Wow, I somehow made everyone pissed off at me today

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"Wow, I somehow made everyone pissed off at me today," Tommy muttered. "What?" "Oh, nothing. Talking to myself. I have a question." "Make it quick, I have somewhere to be." Tommy wondered how he ever loved Emily in the first place. "Do you remember me saying anything that would offend Mia when I talked to you at the café?" "To be honest, I wasn't even paying much attention, so no." Emily hung up. "What the hell did I say wrong?" Tommy decided to call Mia again. "Have you finally figured it out," Mia asked, still clearly very mad. "I honestly don't know what I said wrong, Mia. Could you just tell me?" "Fine, you want me to tell you, fine. You told her I'm just a friend. Tommy, I've loved you from the moment I met you. I know what you're going to say, I had my chance with you and I blew it. You moved on, but I didn't. I spent every day being jealous of Emily because I knew you loved her, but I love you." Mia hung up. Tommy sat staring at his phone in silence. A minute later, he got a call from James. "Hello?" "Hey. Everything ok with you and Mia?" "I don't know. Why?" "She just called Eva and asked her to come over to talk. What do you mean you don't know." "Well, like I told you earlier, Emily is filing for divorce and Mia came over last night. Everything was fine until lunch." "What happened at lunch?" "I noticed Emily was at the café and I asked Mia if she wanted to head out and she said sure, then..." "Then?" "Then Emily started talking to us and she made a comment about how it's been less than 24 hours and I'm replacing her already, I told her that Mia was just a friend and Mia took off to the bathroom. When she got back, she was really pissed off at me. Then I just called her and she said she loves me and was mad because I said she was just a friend." "Ok, that's a lot to process." "Tell me about it," Tommy said, "Why did you call anyway?" "I was just wondering what was up because you and Mia have literally never fought." "I know, and I have no idea what to do." "Don't ask me." Tommy rolled his eyes. "Are you rolling your eyes?" "How did you know?" "Because I know you and I know you're in love with her, too, so don't even try to argue." "Whatever, but what am I supposed to do with her all mad?" "I would ask Erica, she's a woman and she knows what will be able to help more than I do." "Good idea. Bye." "I'll see you tomorrow." Tommy hung up and dialed Erica's number. "Two guys go into a bar, ok," Erica answered her phone. "What," Tommy was perplexed. "Third guy ducks. You know, not a bar, but a bar. Get it, third guy ducks." "Ok... well I called you to ask a question." "Sure, what's up?" "Mia's mad at me and I don't know how to get her unmad." "Unmad? Is that a word?" "It is now." "Hah, ok. So I need to know why she's mad in order to tell you what you should do." "Are you sure you're not just nosy?" "I'm sure, I need to know what kind of mad it is, sometimes if you do the wrong thing to try and make someone unmad, as you would say it, it just makes them even more mad." "Ok, so last night, Emily walked out on me-" "She did what?!?" "She walked out on me because she thought I was putting work and Mia first. I called Mia and told her what happened and she came over and we talked. Then, today on our lunch break, I noticed Emily at the café and I asked Mia if she wanted to head out and she said sure. Then, when we were walking to our car after paying, Emily stopped us and remarked on how it's been less than 24 hours and I was replacing her already. I told her that Mia was just a friend and Mia headed to the bathroom when she came out, she was really mad at me. Then, I called her a while ago and asked her why she's so mad and she said she loves me and was mad because I said she was just a friend." "Of course she was! She loves you and you said that she was just a friend. Man, you sure are dumb sometimes." "Gee, thanks. I'm truly honored," Tommy said sarcastically. "Ok... anyway, I would first try talking to her, spend quality time with her, and let her know how much she means to you. Leave the rest to me." "What are you going to do?" "Just trust me." "Don't you remember what happened the last time you said that and I trusted you." "Haha, yeah, we were in high school." "Exactly. It better not end up the same way." "Trust me, it won't." "...Ok." "Now go talk to her. Bye, see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." Tommy hung up and started his truck.

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