Chapter 6: Exploration

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Pisces and Capricorn were walking- well really they were floating around in space doing tricks in the star-dust, you know, hanging out, like what water and earth signs usually do together.

They haven't really seen Gemini since they hung out with them and Nebula a few weeks ago and figured since Gemini has been acting Gloomy recently, they should probably do something about it.

Pisces: "Gemini has recently not been themself recently... Should we do something about it?"

Capricorn: "I mean... what can we do about it?"

They swirled the stardust around their fingers boredly. He began slowing down, letting the stardust float away as they began thinking.

Pisces: "I was hoping you'd ask that!" 

Pisces teleports a piece of paper to her hand then held it in two.

Pisces (reading off the page): "In order to help Gemini, I will be willing to fight for them because they are my friends and that's what friends are for!"

her stars in her eyes spun and she smiled thinking she's the smartest in the world.

They stared at their friend.

Capricorn: "You- you made a plan? You could've told me-"

Pisces: "-Plan?" Pisces scoffs. "There is no plan, this is just notes on how to keep friends." 

Pisces said like they already knew this, which they didn't.

She scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it out of the way.

Capricorn just blinked, staring at the piece of paper as it began drifting back out into space.

Pisces: "You know I need reminding on how to 'socialize' " She said as if she doesn't use that word often.

Capricorn: "...well, okay, same. Youcouldhavesharedthereminder- but how do we fight? Not like I'm not willing to, but... you know Taurus and Leo." 

Pisces: "Well like- we can't take them in like a full on physical fight, the thing I do know off by heart-unlike the socializing thing is that they are like Gods- but worse, you can't fight a God but we can at least fight as in fight for their right. Y'know with our almighty voices!" 

Pisces put their hands on their hips and said that like they got everything under control.

Pisces: "This will work, trust me, I have this whole thing planned out!"

Pisces threw her even webbed-like hands in the air and popped her hip to the side, putting most of her weight on her right foot.

Capricorn: "Well... I guess it's not a bad idea, but... this can go... really bad-"

Pisces: "What's the worst that can happen? Us going on space arrest too? Or bound to a planet? Pff- Please! That's only if you bend the rules-"

Capricorn: "-Yeah, well, I don't want either of us being targeted by probably the two fiercest Astrals for several decades-! There's better ways of going about this, I'm sure..."

They crossed their arms. He's very pessimistic when it comes to most things.

Pisces: "Cappuccino! Don't be like that! Wouldn't you want to do this for Gemini? They're probably going to stay mopey like this for possibly centuries!- and we're their friends? What are friends for? Wait- hold that thought-" 

Pisces retrieved the slowly fading piece of paper to review the notes.

Pisces: "Oh! 'Friends would do anything for each other because they care!' Isn't that just lovely?"

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