Chapter 4: Separation

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Gemini felt that Lunar's presence was no longer around him. They already became sad within seconds.

Castor: "Guess we're alone again.."

Pollux: "We're not completely alone though, we have our other Astral friends like Virgo..."

Castor: "That's not quite what I meant. I meant relationship wise..."

Nebula looked over at them. They had no idea how to help in situations like this. But they really wanted to.

Nebula: "...would you... like me to stay here with you?"

The twins nodded. They also had no reason to stay as Gemini, so they split. They sat down with sorrow displayed with their hunched backs and red under-eyes from crying. 

Nebula watched as the two split. They walked over to them, slowly. They didn't want to alarm the two. They always, or felt like they needed to be careful around the Astrals.

Nebula: "...Can I... sit down with the two of you?"

The twins nodded in approval.

Nebula sat down in a more comfortable position. All three of them were floating in space technically, so not really sitting? Nebula kept silent either way.

Castor: "I already miss him so much..."

Pollux: "We both do brother! I wish the stupid rule never existed, then we wouldn't even be here right now..."

Nebula sat and listened to the two. They could tell they were both in quite a bit of pain right now. They wanted to help. They wanted to comfort the two by telling them that they once had a similar situation to theirs, but also didn't want to since it might be accidentally making it about themselves instead of focusing on the two Astrals at hand. So they just kept quiet.

Castor: "This first ever relationship we ever had didn't even start yet."

Pollux: "Didn't the same thing happen to you Neb?"

Even though it wasn't the same as Nebula's relationship with Earth, they were just friends. The Gemini twins dating Lunar was a whole different kind of relationship.

Nebula: " it did, yes. I... I've had a similar experience as well."

Castor: "How about you tell us about it to distract us?"

Nebula hesitated. 

Nebula: "Uhm... well... do you remember that Earth, Lunar's... sibling?"

They nodded, waiting for them to proceed.

Nebula: "Well... I tried becoming friends with them. Even if the rule is stricter for us beings who are lesser than beings such as, well, yours. I tried becoming friends with them. They were very welcoming, and even allowed me to talk to them further."

Nebula: "But... as per usual, Taurus caught me. They once again reminded me of my place among the stars and forbid me of ever meeting them again. It was short lived but... I really enjoyed their company."

The story still reminded them of Lunar, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

Pollux: "Thanks Neb!" Pollux said trying to not sound gloomy but failing miserably.

Nebula: "Your... welcome. Though I suppose it... didn't help much, did it?"

Pollux: "N-no, not really..." Pollux said looking down, Castor hugged his sister and Pollux hugged back.

Nebula sighed a little. 

Nebula: "...would you like me to give you a hug as well?"

Both of the twins put out their outside arm, welcoming Nebula into the hug.

Star-Crossed Soulmates (Lunar x Gemini, LAES)Where stories live. Discover now