Chapter 5: The Reunion

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Lunar and Gemini has been separated for 2 weeks, but it felt like so much more longer. Lunar didn't know what to do anymore, so he decided to take a walk. He ended up on a hill, it was the first place they technically met. He was just staring at the sky thinking about when they're coming back from space arrest.

Lunar: "I miss you guys..." Lunar says looking straight up at the sky.

The twins have been floating around space uselessly for a while now. They had no idea what to do. It had felt like Lunar was their everything. And now they've just lost it. They couldn't even go to Earth, they were on space arrest, they were trapped. Even Pollux was down, which she never was. At least for this long.

Lunar sighed, then felt tingly like he did like when he got sucked into their conversation last time when he first saw the stars. He saw the vivid colors of space, and the two stars, he saw how down they were. He was confused on how this worked once again. But he chose not to question it.

"Oh- oh my god.. Gemini- Castor- Pollux?" He said assuming they could hear him.

Castor blinked, looking around.

Castor: "P- Pollux- you heard that too right-?"

He sounded the most hopeful he's ever been.

Pollux: "What are you...? What do you mean?"

She tugged on Castor's hand as he stands up, pulling herself up with him.

Lunar: "Guys? I- can you hear me? I- please tell me you can hear me!" 

Lunar said raising his voice so they could hear him more clearly.

Pollux: "...Lunar-?"

She turned around, but couldn't see him anywhere.

Castor: "Lunar-!"

Lunar: "Oh my god! You guys can actually hear me?!"

Castor: "We can-! Lunar, where are you?"

Lunar: "W-well, I'm on earth, y-you know how I eavesdropped on you that one time? Well, I did that again! I didn't know I could talk to you with this- thing?" He said, not knowing how to explain the concept.

Lunar: "I can see you! Maybe if you look down? Then you could see me?"

Both of the twins turned to each other, happiness swelling in both of their eyes. They looked down. Squinting, they could see Lunar, though far, far away. Pollux began laughing out loud, waving at him in excitement.

Pollux: "Lunar! Lunar, we can see you!"

Castor looked more shocked than anything, but he returned the smile, quickly covering it with a hand out of habit.

Lunar waved back smiling big. He also blushed on how cute Castor's smile was.

Lunar: "You should really start smiling more Castor! You look really cute when you do it!"

Lunar smiled wider, he was the happiest guy on the planet, he got to see the loves of his life again.

Star-Crossed Soulmates (Lunar x Gemini, LAES)Where stories live. Discover now