The Guild

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The next morning, the trio woke to the first light of dawn. Determined, they headed back to the spot where the sorcerers had vanished. As they approached the clearing, it appeared as if nothing had ever happened. The grass seemed untrodden, the portal was gone, and there were no signs of the hooded figures. The wooden cage even seemed to disappear without leaving indentions in the ground. Varic, however, noticed splintered shards of wood scattered on the ground—remnants of the cage that had held the mysterious sacks the night before. Ardric, ever vigilant, discovered a seemingly old, dirty piece of parchment. There did not seem to be much written on the parchment, no more than half the page. The only legible wording on the page was at the top, very faintly written "Escapee's" followed by many roughly scratched-out lines underneath. At the very bottom of the list, barely able to be read, were the letters "ingle beebl, ag gd" with many letters involved being weathered away. Ardric furrowed his brow as he looked at the page, deep in thought. "Did you find something there?" Zeroth asked as he approached his brother, Varic scanning the ground nearby. "If I were to be a guessing dwarf with some knowledge of context clues, it appears as if we have a list of names, well name, and something awful close to saying mage guild," replied Ardric, turning the page towards Zeroth. "That would be a decent convenience, we are already on our way to the guild after all. Now we have yet more questions that need to be answered and that is if this random piece of paper has anything to do with what we witnessed last night." Zeroth replied as he scratched his thick beard. Varic raised an eyebrow. "So, you both actually believe the mage guild is connected to this somehow?" Ardric nodded. "Seems that way. If they're a day's travel away, it might be worth checking in. They could have information or be able to help us understand what we stumbled upon." Zeroth, still pondering the mysteries of the previous night, agreed reluctantly. "Mage guild it is, then. Let's see if they have any answers or if we're in for more questions." The trio set off once again, their path guided by the prospect of answers and the uncertainty that loomed on the horizon.
As the trio approached the Mages Guild, the building loomed with an air of mystical significance. Its limestone structure stood with three prominent peaks, casting a distinctive "M" on the ground when the sun began its descent. There were no individuals outside, yet the distant sounds of conversation and magical workings emanated from within. Varic, the warlock, exhibited a subtle discomfort, an understandable sentiment given the historical tension between warlocks and traditional magic practitioners. Zeroth, on the other hand, felt a mix of excitement and caution. His Flaming Berserker Battle Axe rested on his back and Grimbli tucked in his waistband. Ardric, holding the parchment with the cryptic message, approached the guild's entrance. The party entered the guild cautiously. The interior was a bustling hive of magical activity. Wizards in robes and sorcerers in various garbs moved about, engaged in discussions, or immersed in arcane experiments. The trio navigated through the organized chaos, finally reaching a central area where a receptionist attended to various matters. Grimbli, Zeroth's magic rock, seemed to hum against him as if reacting to the excess magic flowing in the guild. Zeroth decided to keep Grimbli a secret, recognizing the potential risks of an ancient soul trapped in a stone under the care of a possible dimwitted dwarf wielding a battle axe that tends to catch on fire. Meanwhile, Ardric approached the receptionist, gently placing the parchment on the counter.
"We found this," Ardric began, "and we've got some questions. Can we speak to someone who might be able to help?" The receptionist, a robed figure with a pointy hat, scanned the parchment and raised an eyebrow. "Ah, yes. This is unusual. Let me fetch someone who can assist you." As they waited, Zeroth couldn't help but marvel at the magical artifacts displayed around the guild. Varic, though visibly reserved, maintained his composure, keeping an eye on the various magical practitioners around them. Soon, a senior mage approached—a wise-looking individual with a long beard and flowing robes. "Greetings," the mage said, studying the parchment. "I'm Archmage Thalamar. How can the Mages Guild assist you?" Ardric explained their recent encounters, from the hooded figures to the arcane portal and the parchment's mysterious message. Thalamar listened attentively, his expression growing more serious. "May I examine the page young dwarf?" Thalamar inquired. "Of course," Ardric responded as he handed Thalamar the page. As Thalamar examined the parchment, a flicker of recognition crossed his face. His eyes widened, and a puzzled expression settled on his features. "Wait a moment... 'ingle beepl, age gd,'" Thalamar muttered, deep in thought. Suddenly, realization dawned on him. "By the arcane realms, this is Tingle Beeblewapple!" He took a step back as if struck by the memories. "Many years ago, a young gnome named Tingle Beeblewapple arrived at the Mages Guild. He was ragged, starved, and appeared to have escaped someone's captivity. Tingle had a unique fascination with magical weaponry, especially elemental and projectile devices. Always trying to invent something new." Thalamar's eyes gleamed with understanding. "And his way of speaking... oh, it's quite distinct. Many other artificers refused to work under him, not because he was a bad gnome or anything, it's just... you will see." The trio exchanged glances, processing this unexpected connection. Thalamar continued, "An adult now, practicing as an Artificer, Tingle has his own workshop within the Artificers wing of the guild. He may have more direct answers pertaining to this page and possibly of the events that occurred the same day you lot were attacked by that boar you mentioned."

Excitement mixed with curiosity as the party realized they might have a lead. Thalamar led them through the bustling guild, past enchanted objects, and arcane experiments, to a workshop where Tingle Beeblewapple was engrossed in his magical creations. As they approached, Tingle looked up, his eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and delight. "Oh my, visitors! Tingle is honored! How can Tingle help?" Varic took a step back as he heard Tingle's falsetto-pitched voice, "What the hell just assaulted my ears?" Zeroth, sensing Varic's discomfort, quickly stepped forward, a friendly grin on his face. "Ah, Tingle! It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Zeroth Velkyrr. This is my brother Ardric and this tall glass of water behind me is Varic." Varic, regaining his composure, managed a nod. "Yes, we've encountered something rather unusual, and Thalamar here suggested you might be able to shed some light." Tingle beamed. "Oh, of course! Let Tingle see what you have." Ardric handed the parchment to Tingle, who studied it with keen interest. Within a few heartbeats, Tingle's excited expression seemed to start to dissipate. "No... They know Tingle left. They know where Tingle sleeps. Tingle assumed they thought Tingle died in the forest all those years ago, even then this page is not very old, that was when I was still young and Tingle is only 58." Zeroth frowned, "Would you know anything about a group of what we believe to be sorcerers of some kind sucking decent-sized bags into a hellish portal?" Tingle sighed, setting the parchment down and rubbing his blue eyes, "Tingle knows and Tingle will share. Some of Tingle's first memories were of warnings by mother. Tingle always knew "Avoid the kobolds" "Don't get talk to the fey". The normal worries. Tingle was not warned about Them though. Tingle was abducted when I was very young, Tingle and many other young gnomes. We didn't know what we did to deserve it, Tingle was scared and confused. As more and more days went by while Tingle was captive, Tingle noticed gnomes coming in and leaving on random nights. Tingle knew one day he would disappear but as luck would have it Tingle managed to escape and run away during a particularly powerful storm." As Tingle kept talking, Zeroth noticed Tingle was starting to shake, as if talking about his memories were making him relive them. "After that night Tingle wandered, one day stumbling here. Tingle found his new home." Tingle finished with a smile at Thalamar. "And he is well protected here if anyone were to attempt to take him back." Thalamar stated. Tingle laughed lightly as he replied, "Tingle is very safe, though Tingle does hope some of this information has helped, Tingle is worried if the group of Gnome Nabbers are making a return. If they are Tingle is sure only bad can come out of it." "Were there any names you may remember of the ones who took you specifically or if they ever had a name for their main hideout?" Ardric asked, leaning forward. Tingle gulped, "Tingle only remembers one location name. Tingle heard it mentioned very few times, very quietly, but Tingle heard things about a place called the Whispering Abyss Sanctum. Tingle heard that only the worst kobolds go there." "Well, we finally have something to go off of." Varic said as he stroked his jawline.
Thalamar, who was patiently waiting and listening in the doorway, finally speaks up, "Oh! I may know an old friend who may have connections with the kobolds. She very well may have more information on that front but for now, it is officially time for me to go to my quarters. I bid you all good day and extend my guild to all three of you for the night. Rest up and eat plenty, it appears more will be uncovered soon."

Zeroth Velkyrr The Hill DwarfWhere stories live. Discover now