The Declaration

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The next day held more training for Zeroth and his companions though Thalamar informed him it would be time for Ardric and Varic to begin getting used to channeling their newfound divinity. Sitting back and not being the center of attention for once, Zeroth watched as Thalamar led his brother and friend toward the middle of their training room, the massive runes still pulsating with protective energies along the large stone walls. Clearing his throat and centering his attention on Ardric, Thalamar began, "Alright Ardric, with being Luminara's champion you should have powers akin to that of a deadly protector. In theory, you are the unbreakable shield, bolstered by light and radiance." Ardric nodded, absorbing every drop of Thalamar's wisdom. "For now," Thalamar continued, "I would like you to begin to channel her power. Allow it to fill you up as if you were an empty well, ready for the rainy season." Ardric bowed his head slightly, drew his longsword, and closed his eyes as he began to grasp at Luminara's inner light. Zeroth watched as Ardric stiffened for a brief second before a soft gold glow began to emanate from every inch of Ardric's body, casting a soft light on Thalamar's awe-struck face. Zeroth noted as the light grew brighter, he felt a calming sensation begin to overtake him as if he knew Ardric could defend him from anything. As Ardric looked towards Zeroth, Zeroth saw his eyes were beaming with a silvery sheen that seemed to be able to penetrate the most horrific darkness out there. As the light around Ardric seemed to be at its peak, akin to a star at night, sigils began to form along Ardric's forearms, pulsating with gold and green energy, signifying a boost to Ardric's ability to heal.
As Ardric's kept practicing holding Luminara's power,, with sigils glowing and a divine aura enveloping him, Thalamar then turned his focus to Varic, standing a bit apart, his demeanor one of both anticipation and apprehension. "Now, Varic," Thalamar spoke, his voice carrying a mix of encouragement and solemnity, "it's your turn. Eldrinacht's essence is... complex, woven with the fabric of the cosmos and the dark spaces between. Let's see if we can tap into that without losing ourselves, shall we?" Varic nodded with a determined glint in his eyes. Zeroth watched as Varic took a deep breath and began to concentrate, seeking the connection with Eldrinacht. As he delved deeper into his pact, the air around him seemed to thicken and shadows fought with Ardric's light at the edges of the training room as if reality itself warped in response. Slowly, green moving tattoos began to emerge on Varic's skin, glowing with an eerie, otherworldly light. The tattoos were not static; they seemed alive, shifting and changing patterns as if they were a direct manifestation of Eldrinacht's unfathomable thoughts. The sight was mesmerizing and slightly unnerving to Zeroth, a visual testament to the power coursing through Varic. As Varic's focus intensified, his eyes transformed. The once familiar gaze became something altogether other, imbued with an infinite depth of darkness, yet his irises were shining like ice reflecting moonlight, his eyes a direct link to the abyssal knowledge of his patron deity. "This is... intense." When Varic spoke, his voice was no longer his alone. It echoed with a chorus of whispers, a multitude of voices that seemed to speak from beyond, lending weight and power to his words. It was clear to Zeroth that Eldrinacht spoke with and through Varic as he channeled Eldrinacht's power.
Thalamar, observing the transformation with keen interest, nodded approvingly. "Excellent, Varic. You're channeling Eldrinacht's essence with remarkable control. Remember, this power is a tool, but it's also a part of you now. Use it wisely." Varic, now fully immersed in his role as Eldrinacht's champion, turns to Zeroth and Ardric, his glowing eyes reflecting both the burden and the potential of his position. "This is just the beginning," he said, his voice echoing with the depth of his connection. "There's much to learn and master, but together, we'll face whatever the Godswar throws at us." As the training room hummed with the residue of divine power, Varic turned to Ardric with a challenging grin. "How about a friendly spar, Ardric? Let's see how Luminara's protection fares against Eldrinacht's trickery." Ardric, still radiating a soft golden glow, nodded in agreement. "I'm curious myself. Just remember, we're testing our limits, not trying to obliterate each other." Zeroth and Tingle took their places at the edge of the training area, their eyes alight with anticipation. Thalamar, too, observed from a distance, his keen gaze missing nothing.
The spar began with Varic weaving intricate patterns in the air, his fingers tracing the swirling tattoos now glowing fiercely on his skin. Shadows gathered around him, coalescing into tendrils of dark energy that lashed out towards Ardric. Ardric, for his part, stood grounded, his aura flaring brightly with each attack that neared. With precise movements of his longsword, he deflected the shadowy tendrils, his body surrounded by a barrier of radiant energy. The exchange grew more intense as Varic shifted tactics, his form blurring as he tapped into the Veilwalker ability granted by Eldrinacht. In one moment, he was in front of Ardric; the next, he vanished, reappearing behind the paladin in an attempt to catch him off guard with a concentrated blast of eldritch energy. Ardric, sensing the shift in the air behind him, called upon more of Luminara's power. In a flash of divine inspiration, a vast shield of pure, divine light sprang to life behind him. It expanded in a heartbeat, absorbing Varic's attack entirely, the energies within the shield crackling as they neutralized the eldritch blast. The room fell silent as the two champions, now standing still, dropped their powers, visibly exhausted from the exchange. The shield dissipated, and Varic, breathing heavily, offered Ardric a wry smile. "Well, that was fun."
Zeroth and Tingle, along with Thalamar, rushed to their sides, checking on their well-being. Ardric, still catching his breath, spoke up. "I'd say we're both formidable in our own right. Luminara's shield... it's more powerful than I could've imagined." Varic nodded, a look of respect in his eyes. "And Eldrinacht's gifts are not to be taken lightly either. That teleportation feels strange to say the least, but I see now the importance of balance and control." Thalamar clapped his hands together, pleased with the outcome. "This was an invaluable lesson for all of us. The strength you wield is immense, but it's your heart, your will, and your camaraderie that will truly define your path in the Godswar." As they helped each other to their feet, the bond between Ardric and Varic seemed stronger, solidified by the mutual understanding and respect forged in the crucible of their sparring match. Zeroth and Tingle were in awe over the magical display they bore witness to from their companions. "Tingle can't believe you can absorb that level of magic, Ardric!" Tingle piped up, examining the paladin closely. "Yeah, I was a little worried I put too much juice behind that last shot," Varic stated, nodding in agreement. After training, with all the power that had been used and tossed around, and before everyone could make their way out for dinner and rest, Thalamar, stopped in his tracks and threw a hand out to halt Zeroth and his companions. "What's wrong, Thalamar?" Zeroth asked as he looked at the old mage. As he did so, a large shimmering outline of a door began to manifest in front of them, exuding a brilliant purple and gold light as it began to solidify into a magical doorway. Zeroth watched as a tall figure stepped through the door and peered around the room with an aura of authority. Thalamar gasped in shock and whispered, "G-Galdrin... God of Messengers... God of Decrees."

Zeroth felt the immeasurable power seeping from this god who seemed relaxed but very aware of his surroundings. After Thalamar's voice broke the silence, naming the divine visitor, Zeroth and his companions found themselves rooted to the spot, awe-stricken. Before them stood Galdrin, his appearance as breathtaking as the powers he wielded. Zeroth, despite his experiences with the divine and otherworldly, could hardly believe he was in the presence of a living god, one whose very essence seemed woven from the fabric of communication and authority. Galdrin's form was tall and commanding, yet imbued with an elegance that spoke of his role as the divine herald. His eyes, shining like polished silver, swept across the room, their gaze piercing yet devoid of malice. His hair, a cascade of shimmering gold, flowed with a life of its own, reflecting the light that emanated from the magical doorway through which he had stepped. The god's hair, though long, was held nicely in place by shining band made of something Zeroth could not name. Zeroth then noticed the cloak the god was wrapped in, how the cloak's colors—purple for the wisdom of the divine message and gold for its unquestionable authority—was mirrored across the rest of Galdrin's clothing, highlighting his otherworldly nature. In one hand, Galdrin held the Scepter of Voices, a symbol of his dominion over messages and decrees. The crystal atop the scepter pulsed with a light that seemed to echo the very heartbeat of creation, casting intricate patterns on the walls of the training room.
With a voice that resonated with the power of the cosmos, Galdrin spoke, "Champions of the forthcoming Godswar, hear me. The time approaches when the balance of divine power shall be contested, as decreed by the ancient pacts that bind our fates. The Fractured Nexus has called forth this reckoning, and you, chosen by your respective deities, are to play pivotal roles in the events that will unfold." His words filled the room, imbuing everyone present with an acute understanding of the gravity of his message. Zeroth felt a chill run down his spine, the reality of the situation settling in. This was no mere trial; it was the prelude to a conflict that spanned the realms of gods and men. Galdrin continued, "The Coliseum of Fates shall be the arena for this divine contest. Prepare yourselves, for the challenges you will face will test not only your strength and skill but the very essence of your beings." As the god's declaration hung in the air, Zeroth exchanged glances with Ardric and Varic, a silent acknowledgment of the path that lay ahead. They were to be warriors in a celestial battle, champions in a Godswar that would decide the fate of realms. With a final nod, Galdrin turned to step through the doorway to leave but Thalamar, gathering his wits, stepped forward with a declaration of his own. "Great Galdrin, before you depart, I must inform you of my intent. Tingle and I—representing the collective wisdom and ingenuity of the mortal plane—wish to officially participate in the Godswar. Our presence signifies the stake of every being who calls this world home, a plea for balance and a voice in the shaping of our destiny." Galdrin paused, his gaze resting upon Thalamar and then shifting to Tingle, who stood with a mix of pride and nervous anticipation. "Your courage is noted, and your request granted," Galdrin intoned. "The involvement of mortals in the divine contest is unprecedented, yet fitting for the times we find ourselves in. Be prepared, for the burdens you bear will be heavy, and the choices you make, impactful."
With a gesture of his hand, Galdrin summoned a tome from the ether, its cover adorned with celestial motifs and the symbols of his pantheon. He handed it to Thalamar and said, "This tome contains the knowledge you seek—the timeline of events leading up to the Godswar, its repercussions on the mortal world, and the incantation required to transport you to the Coliseum of Fates when the time arrives. Study it well, for it will guide you in your preparations." Zeroth, Ardric, Varic, and Tingle gathered around Thalamar as he accepted the tome, its pages glowing faintly with a divine script. Galdrin's gift was not just a repository of knowledge but a beacon of hope, a guide through the uncertainty that lay ahead. "Thank you, Galdrin. We will not squander this opportunity," Thalamar vowed, his voice steady and resolute. With a nod of acknowledgment, Galdrin stepped backward through the magical doorway. "The threads of fate are now in your hands. Weave them wisely," he said before vanishing through the portal, which closed silently behind him. The room was left in profound silence, the weight of Galdrin's words and the tome's presence settling heavily upon everyone. Thalamar opened the tome, its pages radiating a soft light, ready to unveil the secrets and instructions penned by the gods themselves. As the group huddled closer, eager to glimpse the contents, a sense of unity and purpose bound them together. They were not just witnesses to the divine machinations but active participants in a celestial drama that would test their mettle and determine the fate of all worlds. The journey ahead was fraught with danger and mystery, but armed with the tome's knowledge and their combined strengths, they stepped forward into the unknown, ready to face whatever the Godswar would bring.


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