Traveling With Turmoil

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It did not take long for the rest of the party to begin waking up after the inn started cooking breakfast. Zeroth was already awake and prepared for the trek ahead, enjoying a plate of eggs and bacon, along with a large cup of fresh water. Zeroth made sure to leave a few spaces around him open for his friends who started filing in not long after Zeroth began to eat. After everyone else sat down, Zeroth slid Elara's map onto the middle of the table for everyone to see. "Good morning everyone. I hope you all slept alright." Zeroth began. Varic mustered a shrug followed by an agreeing grunt. "Tingle slept great! Although Tingle prefers his bed back at the guild, this one was good as well." Tingle chimed in. Ardric nodded in agreement as Zeroth continued, "The place we are heading is roughly three days travel northwest of Alderbrook. As much as I would enjoy a comfy ride there, I believe it would be wise to do this on foot in the assumption that we may get ambushed and I don't want to explain to Thalamar how his horse was killed." Ardric, who was gnawing on some bacon, replied, "And it looks like there are no rest stops worth shit between here and that Abyss Sanctum place. We'll have to make sure to bring enough supplies to get us by but not too much so we aren't weighed down." Zeroth noted they should be well prepared already with the potions they acquired the day before as well as their proclivity to being able to hunt with ease. Zeroth nodded fervently, rolling the map back up, and said, "Then it's settled. We'll finish eating and start heading out of town. Soon, we'll take down those kobolds and their leader and hopefully free anyone abducted in the process."
After the hearty breakfast, the group set to work preparing for their journey. Zeroth gathered his gear, ensuring his battle axe was securely fastened to his back. Ardric and Varic checked their weapons, the familiar routine of blades being unsheathed and examined echoing through the room. Tingle, true to his eccentric nature, meticulously arranged his alchemical supplies, each vial and explosive gadget finding its place in his assortment and making sure his gunblade was loaded and secure. As the party geared up, Tingle was the first to spot Elara entering the inn. With an excited wave, he beckoned her over. "Elara! Morning! We're about to embark on a little adventure, you know. Save some magical goodies for our return!" Elara approached with a knowing smile, "Ah, the adventurers are up and about. I trust you all had a restful night?" Zeroth nodded, "Indeed. We're heading out to investigate the Whispering Abyss Sanctum. There's a chance we might encounter some trouble on the way. Would you mind looking after Thalamar's horse while we're gone?" Elara's eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief, "Trouble, you say? Well, as much as I'd like to join you in your escapades, I'll keep an eye on the horse." Zeroth thanked her, and with the horse in good hands, the group stepped out into the crisp morning air. The town of Alderbrook was just beginning to stir, shopkeepers opening their stalls, and the townsfolk greeting the day.
Leaving the town felt bittersweet to Zeroth, though he was excited at what he may learn once they reach their destination. As the journey officially began, Zeroth couldn't keep last night's dream out of his head. The fiery entity's warning echoed in the recesses of his mind, a constant reminder of the curse that lurked within the Flaming Berserker battle axe. He walked alongside his companions, the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape doing little to dispel the shadow of unease that clung to him. The rhythmic crunch of gravel beneath his boots seemed to sync with the relentless replay of the dream. "Why would that fiery thing warn me about a curse? What does it mean, and how can I stop it?" Zeroth mused internally, his brow furrowed with worry. The vibrant greenery and chirping birds around him seemed distant, overshadowed by the intensity of the entity's warning. Ardric noticed his brother's troubled expression but chose not to press. The internal conflict waged on within Zeroth, a silent struggle that he kept hidden behind a stoic facade. His eyes, usually filled with determination, now betrayed a flicker of uncertainty. He stole occasional glances at the Flaming Berserker axe strapped to his back, a once-reliable companion that now bore the weight of an ominous secret. Each step was a reminder of the curse, a creeping darkness that threatened to consume not just the axe but a part of Zeroth himself. "Next time, I shouldn't grab weapons that are sealed away," Zeroth thought, a rare moment of vulnerability breaking through his resolute exterior. Yet, a stubborn determination held him back from revealing this internal conflict to his friends. Zeroth believed this would be his burden to bear, one that he wouldn't put on his allies. The journey continued, the landscape changing with every step, but soon Zeroth began to stop pondering over what he could not currently affect. Zeroth shrugged, thinking to himself, "I should be fine. No stupid spirit sealed in an axe is gonna take over my being, and if push comes to shove, I have strong allies that will either help me or put me down if necessary." Zeroth, more determined now than he was when everyone left Alderbrook, led his friends onward.

Zeroth was thankful after two days of weary travel that they hadn't come across any potential threats on this journey. The only current complaint through the group was the excessive walking and Varic bitching about Tingle not being quiet. Every step was punctuated with Varic's irritated muttering and Tingle's defensive exclamations. Zeroth, typically the mediator in these situations, felt a growing weariness with their antics. Just when a semblance of peace seemed within reach, Tingle's high-pitched voice cut through the air. "Tingle did not step on your cloak!" The declaration was met with a scoff from Varic, his skepticism palpable even without seeing his face. "Then who stepped on it, nearly choking me to death?" Varic retorted, his voice rising in both volume and frustration. "Was it another spooky ghost?" The last words dripped with sarcasm, a clear jab at the fantastical imagination of Tingle. Zeroth sighed, a mixture of exhaustion and exasperation. He glanced at Ardric, who, despite being the quieter of the two, wore an expression that hinted at his annoyance. With another sigh, Zeroth stopped and turned to face his two bickering friends and shouted, "Will you two just shut the fuck up? I am quite tired of this back and forth between you two and if you can't play nice, Ardric will bonk you over the head." Ardric winked at Zeroth as he added, "And that's a promise, not a threat. Now let us move on and speak at a much more tolerable tone of voice. I believe we are getting closer." Zeroth nodded in agreement, cracking his knuckles. "That would be correct, another few hours up this path and we hit a split. According to the notes on the map from Elara, we should head left at the split and follow that. It says by the time we near the split in the road, we may find kobold activity. We should probably travel parallel to the road before we hit the split, and keep near but not on the road afterward." The group nodded, knowing at the end of this journey when they arrive at the Whispering Abyss Sanctum, they will have to face and slay the Three Heads of The Sanctum. Zeroth's thoughts were a quiet storm. Elara's warnings echoed in his mind, especially the part about the Sanctum's leaders being three times as powerful as the average kobold sorcerer who had risen to prominence. It was a daunting prospect, one that tugged at the edges of his confidence. At the same time, Zeroth knew his battle axe had some innate counter to magic and even though the entity inside wanted to take him over, it would protect him. "What use would I be if I were dead, huh axe?" Zeroth thought, chuckling quietly to himself. The axe, housing something ancient and powerful, was a double-edged companion, both his ally and an impending threat. Despite the unease, a subtle grin tugged at the corner of Zeroth's lips. It was a peculiar dance with destiny — the entity within his weapon, an entity with its own agenda, was paradoxically his protector. The very thing that sought to claim him was also the thing that could shield him from arcane assaults. Zeroth knew, for now, he wouldn't tell his allies. "The time isn't right and technically one person does know about this." Zeroth thought, pulling Grimbli from his waistband and letting him float around and enjoy a little freedom. The landscape around them, while still cloaked in the serenity of nature, carried an air of anticipation. Each step taken was a step closer to the unknown, a confrontation with powerful adversaries, and an unraveling of mysteries that entwined Zeroth's fate with that of his flaming Berserker. As they moved forward, the path beneath their feet became a metaphor for the journey ahead — winding, uncertain, but threaded with a quiet determination that emanated from the group. The Whispering Abyss Sanctum awaited, a crucible where alliances would be tested, secrets revealed, and a destiny confronted with both trepidation and resolve.

Zeroth Velkyrr The Hill DwarfWhere stories live. Discover now