The Mana Binders

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The morning after Zeroth arrived at the Mage Guild with his group as well as Mira and her companions began in the usual way. Zeroth, upon waking up and getting his usual light gear on, shuffled from his room toward the guild's cafeteria for some much-needed food. As he strode into the large room, Zeroth found his friends already awake and eating at a big table with Mira and Kael across from them. Tingle, the first to see Zeroth approaching, waved him over with a smile. "Oh! Good morning Zeroth. Tingle hopes you slept well last night." Zeroth nodded as he took a seat in between Tingle and Varic. "Aye, it was the most peaceful rest I've gotten in ages. How are you lot enjoying the guild, Mira?"
Zeroth watched as Mira held up a hand while she finished drinking her coffee. "It is quite nice here and Thalamar has extended the most hospitality I've ever seen. Drex is currently in the training room and Sylvana is working on a project with Thalamar himself." Tingle piped up at that. "Tingle knows what they are working on! It's a type of... bracelet. Tingle needs things that can hold excess energy so Tingle doesn't explode!" Varic nodded as Tingle spoke then added. "Yes, he needs things that he can use to draw on when he begins to run low on his main supply of magic within himself. Remember, his powers in the Godswar won't be his, it'll be Thalamar's and whoever else gives up some power."
As the group continued their breakfast, the conversation meandered through various topics, from the oddities of magic to the nuances of airship travel. Zeroth listened intently, soaking in the camaraderie, a welcome change from the usual tension. Thalamar entered the cafeteria with Sylvana in tow, carrying a set of odd-looking gloves that immediately drew the attention of the table. "Good morning, everyone," Thalamar greeted. "Sylvana has been quite ingenious with her latest project. We've converted the bracelets into something more... substantial." Zeroth's gaze fixed on the gloves as Sylvana approached, presenting them for inspection. They were plated with what seemed like interwoven wood, intricate and beautiful. "May I?" Zeroth asked, extending his hand. Sylvana nodded, and as Zeroth touched the gloves, he was surprised by their solidity, the texture as unyielding as forged steel.
"These gloves," Sylvana began, "are designed to absorb and regulate magical energies. They'll help Tingle manage the influx he'll experience before the Godswar, but they could also prove useful for him if one hurled raw magic his way." Thalamar's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Why don't we put them to the test, Tingle? The training room's ready at all times." Zeroth chuckled as he watched Tingle nod profusely. "Tingle is ready to try!" Murmurs of agreement rose from the table, and the group finished their meal with haste. Zeroth felt a buzz of excitement; the gloves symbolized more than a mere tool—they were a testament to the unity and innovation their collective struggle had fostered.
With a collective sense of purpose, they followed Thalamar and Sylvana to the training room, ready to witness the fruits of magical labor turned into protection and power. As they made their way to the training room, the group's curiosity about the enchanted gloves began to grow. Mira, walking alongside Sylvana, glanced at the gloves with a mixture of admiration and intrigue. "So, Sylvie, how did you manage to get these gloves to absorb and hold energy? It's quite a clever trick." Sylvana, who flinched slightly at the nickname but smiled nonetheless, began to explain. "Well, the process is a bit complex. We combined my abilities of druidic sapping magic with Thalamar's arcane sealing spells. The wood is not just any wood—it's from an elder tree known for its magical properties. It naturally draws in magic, while the sealing spells keep the energy contained and controlled and my magic bolsters the wood's natural ability."
Mira nodded thoughtfully, running her fingers along the edge of a glove. "That sounds incredibly powerful and useful. Magic containment isn't usually so... portable." Zeroth, overhearing the conversation, chuckled at Mira's casual use of 'Sylvie', noticing Sylvana's bashful smile. "That's an interesting nickname you got there Sylvie." he teased, earning a playful glare from Sylvana and a laugh from Mira. "Yes, well, we're all friends here, right?" Mira said, winking at Sylvana and gesturing to the gloves. "It's a wonderful creation, really. I can see how much thought went into it." Sylvana, now more relaxed, continued, "Exactly, and these gloves can potentially be adapted for different kinds of magic. It's not just for the Godswar. They could help any magic user manage their energy more effectively."
As they reached the training room, the group's enthusiasm was palpable. Zeroth gaped as he filed in and saw Drex, covered in sweat, going all out against one of Thalamar's dummies. "Is he always this intense?" Zeroth asked as he glanced at Mira. Mira chuckled as the half-orc lifted the dummy and tossed it clear across the room with a loud grunt. "Yes, but deep down, he's a soft sponge." As Thalamar led Tingle to the center of the room, he clapped Drex on the back, who was panting slightly from his exertions. "Well done, Drex. That was quite the display of strength. Not everyone can claim to have tossed one of my training dummies across a room like a rag doll." Drex, wiping sweat from his brow, grinned at the compliment, his tusks protruding proudly. "Thanks, Thalamar. Just trying to keep up with everyone else here."
Thalamar nodded appreciatively then his expression shifted as if he remembered something urgent. "Ah, hold that thought," he said and quickly exited the room. Moments later, he returned with another figure cloaked in mage robes, slightly less ornate than his own. "Everyone, this is Selena, a Demimage visitor. She's just a step below an Archmage, but don't let that fool you—her power is formidable." Selena nodded to the group, her eyes scanning the room curiously before settling on Tingle. Thalamar continued, "Today, we're going to try something a bit different. Tingle, with your new gloves, and with the help of Selena and myself, we'll imbue you with a greater degree of magical energy. We believe the gloves will allow you to handle it safely." Tingle's eyes lit up with excitement, and he quickly donned the gloves, flexing his fingers as the wooden gloves felt snug and empowering. "Tingle is ready! Let's make this magic happen!"
Selena and Thalamar positioned themselves on either side of Tingle, beginning to chant in a rhythmic, harmonious tone as they held their hands out toward the gnome. The air in the room thickened as streams of arcane energy flowed from their hands into Tingle, who stood resolute, his gloves beginning to glow with a vibrant, pulsating light. The energy swirled around him, creating a spectacle of light and power that had everyone in the room watching in awe. Zeroth watched, hearing his heartbeat in his head, as Tingle's hair began to rise and spike up like the last time and his eyes began to glow a bright swirling gold. Seconds later, Zeroth noticed the golden magic of Thalamar and Selena began to weave in and out of Tingle's gloves then weaving around him, shaping into the ethereal crystalline armor that raised Tingle to Thalamar's height. Zeroth flinched as small arcs of energy began arcing off of Tingle's armor and the gloves, though as he watched he noticed the arcs left no damage behind, just brilliant flashes of gold light.

Zeroth Velkyrr The Hill DwarfWhere stories live. Discover now