A New Morning

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Once Zeroth gathered his belongings and began to eat some breakfast, he knew it wouldn't take his brother and friends long to wake up and join him. Zeroth sipped his coffee as he was deep in thought over the unwanted dream he was exposed to last night. Zeroth remembered what the entity said, "Look upon yourself, Zeroth. The physical manifestations are but the beginning. The more you wield the axe, the more you will find yourself changing. A thirst for battle, a hunger for the flame, it will consume you, until there is nothing left but the berserker's rage." his mind couldn't shake the images of himself covered in the very flames his battle axe exuded, pulsating with his every heartbeat, warming his blood to a near boil. "Are you alright Zeroth? You rarely drink coffee in the mornings." Ardric said, flopping into the chair next to him followed by Varic and Tingle shuffling in from the other side of the inn.
Zeroth sighed in concern knowing it was time to inform everyone of the new situation he was in. "For once, no. A few nights ago I had a dream or a prophecy." Zeroth explained, rubbing his forehead. "In the dream, there was a massive entity that was covered in flames. It was adorned in massive spiked pauldrons and what flesh it had seemed to be liquid lava. Its face was nonexistent and was just a fiery skull connected to his lava-like neck." Zeroth heard Tingle gasp in shock as he described the entity and Varic had a look of heavy worry for what he was hearing. "Not only did it give me one hell of a scare," Zeroth continued, "It gave me one hell of a speech. It told me it was a demigod war leader of some kind with thousands of kills under its belt. It informed me that its essence was sealed within this battle axe by wizards hundreds of years ago and now that I've begun to use the axe, It woke up. It said it will slowly replace my essence with his, physically and mentally until I'm the one sealed away and it will have full control again."
As Zeroth laid bare the truth of his ominous dream, the air in the room grew thick with tension. Ardric leaned forward, his face etched with concern, the protective nature of a brother coming to the fore. "Zeroth, this is no minor curse. We're dealing with ancient, powerful magic. We need to find a way to counteract this... possession." Varic looked genuinely unsettled. "A demigod's essence, trapped in an axe, and now leeching into you? This is beyond anything I've encountered. The arcane implications are staggering." Tingle, ever the inventor, pondered aloud, "Is there a device or a spell that could sever the connection? There must be something in the annals of magical theory that can help." Zeroth shook his head, the weight of his predicament sinking in. "I'm not sure it's that simple. This entity, it's not just a lingering spirit—it's a part of me now. Or it's becoming one. Every time I wield the axe, I feel... stronger, yet more distant from myself." Ardric placed a reassuring hand on Zeroth's shoulder. "Then we limit the use of the axe. We find alternatives until we can solve this. You're not facing this alone, brother." Varic interjected, his gaze sharp, "Limiting the axe's use is a temporary solution. We need to delve into the lore of these wizards, find out how they sealed the entity, and if there's a way to reverse the process without harming Zeroth." Tingle, his curiosity piqued, added, "Maybe there's a way to modify the axe? Alter its magic to suppress the entity's influence?"
Zeroth looked at his friends, a mixture of gratitude and resolve in his eyes. "I appreciate your support, truly. But we're dealing with forces beyond our understanding. I fear the more we meddle, the more we risk." Ardric's voice was firm, a beacon of determination in the shadow of uncertainty. "Then we seek knowledge. There are mages, scholars, and libraries across the land. There has to be a record, a spell, or even a hint of how to tackle this." Varic nodded in agreement. "The mage guild is a day's travel from Alderbrook and it might be our best start. They may have access to ancient texts and magical artifacts. If there's a way to untangle this curse, they'll know where to look." Tingle, bouncing with energy, chimed in, "And I'll start researching magical containment. If we can't break the curse immediately, maybe we can find a way to keep it in check and I'll have full access to my workshop again." Zeroth, bolstered by his companions' determination, felt a flicker of hope amidst the dread. "Thank you, all of you. It's going to be a difficult path, but knowing I'm not alone makes it seem possible to walk it." Zeroth nodded in acknowledgment of the plan. "Alright, let's eat some food and bring Thalamar his horse and carriage back. Maybe we'll say bye to Elara on the way out, she did say she was going to take care of it."
With a plan in motion and breakfast quickly devoured, Zeroth made sure he and his companions were ready for travel and began to lead them to the horse stable outside the inn, giving the innkeeper a hearty thanks and a tip for the service. Once Zeroth led the group outside into the morning sun, Zeroth felt invigorated by the warmth it beamed down on him. The town seemed to just start rousing fully, many shopkeepers walking at a brisk pace to their stalls, eager to begin the day. Zeroth was thankful the inn's stables were attached to the back of the inn. After a short walk, Zeroth approached the stable doors and heard light talking followed by a horse huffing in response. As he opened the doors all the way, Zeroth was glad to see Elara brushing the horse's coat and telling it that it was being very well-behaved. She turned, her face lighting up with a warm smile as she spotted Zeroth and his companions. "Good morning! I was wondering when you'd all come down. Your horse is fed and ready for the day," she said, her voice as calm and reassuring as always. Zeroth returned the smile, appreciating the care Elara took with the animals. "Thank you, Elara. We're heading to the Mage's Guild today. It might be a long journey, so we want to make sure everything is in order." Elara nodded, setting aside her grooming brush and moving to assist them. "Of course, let me help you get the carriage ready. With the journey you have ahead, you'll want to make sure you have everything you need. Thalamar will be glad to have his mare back."

Together, they went about the task of preparing the horse and carriage for travel. Elara expertly checked the harnesses for wear and ensured the fit was comfortable for the horse, while Zeroth and his friends loaded their supplies into the carriage. Varic made a point of checking the wheels and the undercarriage for any signs of damage, a habit born of too many journeys delayed by unexpected breakdowns. Zeroth noticed Tingle, ever the tinkerer, had done a few modifications and was walking up to Zeroth with an excited grin. "I've adjusted the suspension with these," he said, holding up a set of peculiarly shaped coils. "They should help smooth out the ride on rougher paths. Nothing like a bit of gnome engineering to improve the journey!" Zeroth lightly punched Tingle's arm and congratulated him, "Well done Tingle! I'll appreciate a smooth ride, for sure." As Zeroth finished his sentence, he saw Ardric making sure that their food and water were easily accessible, along with any medical supplies they might need. His methodical approach ensured that nothing was forgotten, and everything was stored in an order that made sense.
While Zeroth worked, he noticed Elara watching them with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "You're quite the team," she commented. "With the way you all work together, I have no doubt you'll make it to the Mage's Guild and back without trouble." Zeroth chuckled at that and replied, "By now, it would take one of the gods to stop us!"
With the carriage prepped and ready, Zeroth turned to Elara, offering a sincere nod of thanks. "We appreciate your help, Elara. You've made the start of our journey much smoother. Thank you for watching over the horse and a huge thanks for selling us the potions. One really saved my hide in the Sactum and before you ask, the Three Heads are dead and down a head thanks to Tingle's gunblade." Elara waved off the thanks with a smile. "Just doing my part. While I'm very pleased the Sanctum and its leader are dead, the kobold in my will mourn the loss. Oh, if y'all return and need me to watch that sweetheart again, I'll do it. Safe journeys my friends!" With that, Zeroth climbed up to the driver's seat, taking the reins in hand. The rest of the group settled into the carriage, making themselves comfortable for the journey ahead. With a final check to ensure everyone was ready, Zeroth gave the horses a gentle nudge, and the carriage rolled forward, leaving the inn and Alderbrook behind as they set off on the road towards the Mage's Guild. While they traveled, the landscape around them gradually changed, from the familiar sights of Alderbrook to the open countryside, with its rolling hills and sprawling forests. The air was fresh, filled with the scents of nature, and the sun's warmth promised a clear day ahead. Zeroth noticed conversation seemed to flow easily among them, a mix of strategies for their upcoming visit to the Mage's Guild, reflections on their recent encounters, and the occasional banter that only close friends could share. The carriage's modified suspension proved its worth, smoothing out the bumps and jolts of the road, much to Tingle's delight and Zeroth's comfort. As the miles passed beneath the carriage's wheels, Zeroth couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and determination. The entity's ominous words lingered in his mind, a shadow over the journey's purpose. Yet, surrounded by his friends, with the road stretching out before them, Zeroth felt a resolve hardening within him. Together, they would face whatever lay ahead, seeking answers and a way to counter the curse that bound him to the Flaming Berserker. Zeroth just hoped that Thalamar would have some answers to what was becoming of him. The journey to the Mage's Guild was more than just a physical journey; it was a journey into the unknown, a quest for knowledge and salvation. As the carriage continued its steady pace towards their destination, Zeroth knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would confront them together.

Zeroth Velkyrr The Hill DwarfWhere stories live. Discover now