Vulcanix Sulphyrion

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The journey to the guild took Zeroth and his group a little more than a day of travel and Zeroth noted the brisk chill slowly setting into the new morning informing him that fall was soon upon them. Tingle, being very excited to see the mage guild looming upon the horizon with the sun beginning to peak behind it, began to get restless in the carriage. Zeroth could hear him shuffling around and the upset grunts of Varic and Ardric for being disturbed so early. As Zeroth reigned the horse and carriage into the stable, he noticed Tingle could barely keep inside the carriage and hopped out as soon as Zeroth pulled into the stable and to a stop. "Tingle will meet back up with you all very soon! Tingle must inspect his workshop and see if I have any knowledge of your predicament!" Tingle shouted as he scrambled into the guild. Zeroth sighed and shook his head, "That one has the energy to power the sun's light." Ardric, huffing as he jumped off the side of the carriage, remarked, "Just one sun? Tingle could power twenty minimum." Zeroth chuckled at that and watched Varic slowly slide off the back of the carriage, groaning with sleepiness. "Gods I sleep like shit while riding," Varic said as his feet landed on the ground. Zeroth rolled his eyes at Varic's complaints and said, "Yeah, yeah, at least we've made it safe and sound. Now we need to go talk to Thalamar about my little... issue. I will say, I'm worried about actually using that axe so soon but it has to happen."
Upon entering the grand foyer, the group navigated through the bustling corridors filled with mages and apprentices, each absorbed in their world of magical studies and arcane experiments. The energy of the place, vibrant with the pulse of concentrated magic, was both overwhelming and exhilarating. Reaching Thalamar's study, Zeroth didn't hesitate. He knocked firmly on the heavy oak door, adorned with runes that shimmered faintly, a testament to the room's occupant's power and standing within the guild. "Enter," came Thalamar's voice from within, a calm command that carried the weight of wisdom and experience. Zeroth pushed the door open, his friends in tow, to find Archmage Thalamar seated behind a vast desk cluttered with scrolls, tomes, and various arcane artifacts. The Archmage looked up, his keen eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern as he regarded his unexpected guests. "Zeroth, I presume this visit is about your... unique situation?" Thalamar began, gesturing for them to take a seat. His gaze lingered on the axe slung across Zeroth's back, an object of power that seemed to hum with an inner fire even in the tranquility of the study. "Yes, Archmage," Zeroth replied, the weight of their recent experiences pressing down on his words. "We've encountered much since our last meeting. For one, there appears to be an entity sealed within this axe and he is planning on replacing my essence with his, essentially trapping me within the axe and letting him roam free once again. We also met up with Elara in Alderbrook and she pointed us to where exactly the sanctum was." Zeroth sighed deeply remembering their time in the Wandering Abyss Sanctum. "Getting into the sanctum wasn't difficult with Tingle around to help and we slaughtered many of the sorcerers that dwelled there. The Three Heads of the Sanctum were slaughtered as well."Thalamar's expression darkened at the mention of the sanctum, his brows knitting together in thought. "The Whispering Abyss Sanctum... I feared as much. Your experiences there and the presence of such malevolence confirm a growing threat we must address. But first, your axe and the entity within."
Zeroth carefully removed the Flaming Berserker from his back, placing it on the table before Thalamar. The Archmage extended his hand, a subtle incantation on his lips, as he examined the weapon with a mixture of arcane sight and tactile scrutiny. "The entity you mentioned," Thalamar said, his focus unwavering, "it speaks of a transformation. The entity seeks to replace your essence with its own, an insidious form of possession that is rare and deeply complex." Ardric leaned forward, his concern palpable. "Is there a way to sever the connection without harming Zeroth?" Thalamar sighed, a deep, resonant sound that filled the room with a momentary gravity. "It will require a delicate balance of magic and will. We must weaken the entity's hold while bolstering Zeroth's spiritual defenses. And we must act quickly but that does not guarantee success, this is very old powerful magic." Varic, who had been silent, spoke up, "And the mutated kobolds, the sorcerers, and the sanctum? How does it all connect?" "The sorcerers you encountered, the rituals they performed, they're drawing upon dark magic that could destabilize the region. The sanctum may have been a focal point for their activities, a nexus of power that they were exploiting for their nefarious purposes," Thalamar explained. Zeroth nodded, his resolve hardening. "Then we have multiple fronts to address. We must find a way to break the entity's hold over me and stop the sorcerers from further corrupting the land." Thalamar stood, his demeanor one of grim determination. "I will gather the necessary texts and consult with my colleagues. We'll need every advantage at our disposal but first, let us go visit Tingle in his workshop. I would like to see you use that axe again."
In the heart of the Mages Guild, Thalamar led Zeroth and his companions through a labyrinth of hallways lined with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts, each step echoing on the stone floor. The anticipation was palpable among them, a mix of curiosity and unease about the impending test. Their destination was Tingle's workshop, a place of chaotic invention where magic and machinery intertwined in a symphony of creativity. As they entered the workshop, the air buzzed with arcane energy, the scent of burning ozone and metal mingling in the air. Tingle, the gnome artificer, was hunched over a cluttered workbench, tools, and components scattered around him. He looked up, his eyes wide with excitement and a hint of surprise at the sight of his visitors.
"Thalamar! And friends! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Tingle chirped, his high-pitched voice echoing slightly in the crowded space. "We need your expertise, Tingle," Thalamar explained, gesturing towards Zeroth. "Zeroth has experienced... changes with his battle axe. We're here to understand them better and you have plenty of space for that." Tingle's gaze shifted to the Flaming Berserker Battle Axe slung across Zeroth's back, a gleam of interest sparking in his eyes. "Tingle was told before by Zeroth that he was having issues with it... Alright, let's see what it can do."

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