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Honami's heart thumped in her throat —- she stood in front of the door. She glanced quickly at the paper to check the adress once more, finding that she was in fact, at the right place. She took a deep breath in, shoulders rising before falling back again. She held the box out to make sure she was highlighting it as an offering.

She wasn't sure what face would stand opposite to hers in the next minute or so, but she hoped she could radiate a sense of tidiness and politeness. (That's what customers usually want to see, but even more important, a smile is always the first step to a friend)

Honami gently put a finger to the small rounded bell next to the frame and heard a muffled chime coming from inside the home. The house itself seemed quite small and stacked, definitely not big enough for more than two people. 

A lovely little lawn sat at the front, not in any way specially kept, but it gave a calming presence. Old weeds scattered around the stone steps and the walls didn't look all that particularly clean. She wondered if a nice elderly lady would walk out for a second. 

Instead, the door opened, very slowly she noted. It creaked open, the slither becoming wider as a small figure stood in front of her, having to stare up at Honami to make eye contact. Her mouth hung in a small "o" as she blinked a single time. On the other hand, the taller girl blinked quickly before introducing a fumbled smile,

"H-Hello! My name is Honami Mochizuki! Err... Asahina-san was the one who told me to come here.. I'm assuming you're Yoisaki-san?" She made sure to keep eye-contact and mark the awareness of the box of cake that was offered to the smaller girl. It was a bit awkward though, she'd barely moved, her hand still on the door from opening it. 

She nodded before quiet words came out, "Yes, hello, I'm Kanade Yoisaki. It's very nice to meet you" and still with her lazy, yet focussed eyes, grinned for the first time. Honami looked away for half a second, but returned it with a warmer grin on her lips. 

As she was let inside, the space immediately struck as her as empty. Not messy or necessarily ugly per se, it was a cute home. With a long hallway running down the middle, only about three or four rooms being connected to it. Only a few lights were on and not much furniture or decor polluted the area. 

Kanade led Honami to the kitchen, offering her to sit down in a chair before her. There were only two after all, but even so, it was a rather gentlemanly thing to do. Then she sat down and her sight was still trained on girl who'd just entered the house. 

"So.. would you like some cake, Yoisaki-san?" Was the first question she asked, and Honami swore, even if she'd just met her, she could see Kanade's eyes lit up and her attention perk up. 

She felt herself flush, for whatever reason.


HIIII im back with another chap :3 Uhrm its pretty okay sorry its so lengthy lmaooo ANYWAYS I MIGHT WRITE MORE WHO KNOWS i just moved school so im pretty busy but yeah honakana the lovelies 

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