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Without saying much, the tiny girl got up from her seat in a single movement, almost dragging herself over to her kitchen drawers not even five feet away. Honami swung her head behind her, for whatever reason interested in following Kanade's actions. 

She noticed her small steps and how her arms fell limply to the side of her body, her sleeves flopping and shuffling around as she moved. And— did she not mind the long hair in the way? It always seemed to drape over her upper body, most of the time being a singular strand of stray hair in the middle of her face. 

Pulling her mind out of the clouds, Honami was brought back with the brief smack of the drawer closing and the clank of a small fork and plate.

Kanade waddled back to the table, hopping herself onto the chair and pulled the box towards her, her arms being just the right length. Honami couldn't place her finger on it, but simply observing her was endearing —- she was adorable and the comparison between their heights was almost comedic. 

Kanade looked up from the box for a second, eyes suddenly tentative. Her lips formed a tilted sort've smile, "thank you, Mochizuki-san. You didn't need to bring this for me" Without skipping a single second, she took her fork and started picking at the piece of cake, her cheeks having formed a dusted pink from the sight of the tasty treat.

Honami gripped onto the hem of her dress and smiled, a little bit on edge for whatever reason. "That's alright, my mum and I actually own a bakery, so I've always got a sweet treat for every occasion!" She let out a small giggle, gaining Kanade's attention yet again. 

She chewed small bites, similar to her small steps, "this is really tasty, Mochizuki-san. Could you maybe tell me the name of your bakery?" She tilted her head before pushing her plate away, only trailed crumbs left around her mouth. 

For someone with such a small mouth, Honami was surprised the slice disappeared that quickly. She saw an image of Kirby for a second.. 

"Ah! S-sure.." Flustered, Honami quickly jotted down the name "Mochizuki's Pies" on a single sticky note she had tucked in her purse. She handed it over to Kanade before she read the words with a squinted gaze. 

Being the end of the conversation, (with a lack of any indication of being the case) Kanade was quick —- in her own way —- to start cleaning up. And by cleaning up, that meant she walked over to her sink only to dump the cutlery she just used— not even rinsing it. 

Honami could recognise the cry for help. She quickly bolted up from her position, joining Kanade's side as she looked into the filthy pit that was the girl's sink. "Uhm.. would you like me to start with the kitchen?" She turned to face her, offering her most polite grin. 

Kanade, with her bug-like eyes that almost send a flinch to Honami sometimes, blinked and nodded. But then, she flushed and Honami couldn't tell. Is she.. embarrassed? Her blue eyes dotted away, before a flash of guilt showed on her features.

"Hey.. I'll help you clean up, Yoisaki-san! You don't need to feel bad, it's my job after all!" Even with being a kind soul who only wants to make others smile, sometimes her tone can falter and her words just don't end up sounding right— or end up helping. 

Kanade nodded again, before walking out of the kitchen. 

She's a unique individual, that was for sure. Time to get to cleaning, I guess. I'm glad she enjoyed the cake though.. she seemed really happy while eating it. 

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