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Mafuemu chapter mafuemu chapter also chap before this one, please read hhehehhahahaha


Emu beamed with a colourful smile at her friend, "YAY!!! Asahina-senpai agreed to going out with me!!!" With a proud stance she placed her hands on her hips. Mafuyu's mouth was graced with a smile of its own, "I managed to convince my mother"

She turned to Mafuyu, suddenly getting up close and personal. Mafuyu took a step back, but she was used to the overly friendly behaviour. "And I'm so happy!!!! Let's go, let's go!!" Even if she was a small critter, she was a dasher. 

Being pulled by the wrist, Mafuyu found herself following Emu around like a dog on a leash. Forcefully being pulled for a walk. She wasn't used to running this much, nor going faster than her usual thoughtful walking. Wherever Emu wanted to go, it must be a big deal. 


Once they finally stopped, the pair were met with the front of a cutesy bakery both recognised. "Mochizuki's pies". From the corner of her eye, she could sense the shimmer in Emu's radiant eyes as her cheeks puffed up into a wide grin. 

Mafuyu had never had the chance to go the bakery before since her mother wasn't all that fussed on eating sugary things, but it seemed like Emu knew the place well. 

Her attention was taken by the squeaking excitement of the smaller girl's voice, "Do you wanna get something from here Asahina-san?! This is where Honami and her mum works!" Mafuyu nodded at the suggestion, frankly intrigued.

They entered, the homey chime welcoming them into the comfy space. The older lady at the counter swivelled around, and like your topical image of a baker, she was wearing big old muffs on her hands as she was tightly holding onto a tray of freshly baked goods. 

The lady's lips lit up into a joyful grin, "Otori-chan! It's good to see you so soon" She placed down the tray, her kind eyes directed on the two. She looked up to the taller girl, "And are you Asahina-chan maybe? I've heard Honami talk about you before"

Hearing that spurted a sudden warmth in her chest, a genuine grin slipping onto her lips for a moment. "Really? That's nice of her. And, yes, I'm Asahina. We're here to buy a pastry" 

Honami's mother bubbled up with a laugh, "Yes, I'm sure you are. Otori-chan, what do you choose today?" Emu quickly turned to the glass display, sticking her nose close to each option to really study it. 

She hummed and intently focussed on each one before a particular treat caught her eye. "OH OH! This one!! Asahina-senpai what do you think??" Mafuyu, deciding to take the duty of ultimately making decisions for her friend, stared at display until she nodded with a mainly expression.

Emu had her certain sweet craving pinned on a fluffy bread bun, filled with cream. It reminded Mafuyu of Emu's strangely circular face, especially when her cheeks puff up like a chipmunk. So it was perfect for her in her mind. 

With her order being placed, the woman got to her job and happily slid a bun into a small baggy. Emu was livid while Mafuyu ended up not ordering anything. She was amused by how Emu ate though, so that was enough for her. 


Kanade took a quick glance inside her fridge. She'd been lucky to find one as small as her, or else it'd be a struggle storing food frequently. But sadly for her, nothing appeared to be in it. Maybe a stranded fly who managed to get on the unlucky side of life, and a singular bag of potatoes, going unused for however long. 

As a result of her sad fridge, she was left hungry. And with all her ramen having gone down her throat and into her stomach, that meant she needed to go out to buy some more food so she wouldn't starve. 

The idea didn't sound appealing whatsoever, but she didn't really feel like going to sleep with an empty stomach either. So with that, she began mentally preparing herself for a wild journey outdoors

Though quickly before that, Kanade darted a glance at the kitchen countertops and lingered on the image for a minute. They sparkled in the dim sunlight of a mediocre day, which was unusual. Then she sniffed, expecting the smell of raw meat or old soggy ramen, but instead was met with a pleasant flowery smell. 

Ah right. Mochizuki-chan cleaned the kitchen a couple of days ago.. did I really not notice until now? How long have I been in my room..? She sighed at the thought, Too long. 

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