Coffee and a Dream

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Me and Y/N were walking down to the coffee shop to get some nice coffee since they were tired and I just got some free time from Schlatt, so we walked to a near by cafe and got some coffee.

"Thanks for the coffee Alex, I appreciate it" Y/N said with a shy smile, I smiled back, "no problem Mamacitá! I'm just glad you accepted" I said, Y/N chuckled for one of the first times which surprised me but it made me smile from hearing how sweet it was.

While getting coffee, me and Y/N talked about different things, like what each of us like to do in our free time and other things, after a while we were walking back when someone bumped into us and made Y/N fall

"Are you okay Mamacitá? That gal didn't hurt you at all did it?" I asked Y/N and helped them up "don't worry Alex, I'm all good...but who are they?" Y/N asked and looked behind me, I turned around to see...the Dream team...I got surprised *damn it..not them again* I thought

Y/N pov
I was looking behind Quackity and seen three tall people, the first person had a green hoodie on with a white smiley face mask on that was kinda creepy since it reminded me of a doll without any features, the second person was wearing a light blue shirt with a red stripe going across it and a white shirt underneath and some white goggles on? and also had messy brown hair...not going to lie it looked like they haven't slept in a while, the third person had black hair that was up in a small pony and a white shirt on that had a fire logo on it and they had fiery orange eyes which looked pretty cool and they had a white bandanna that hang from their ponytail, "oh are you okay? We didn't mean to bump into you guys, and hey Quackity" the third guy said and waved at Quackity, Quackity kinda waved back but with a sorta 'I wanna get the fuck outta here' look on his face.

"Oh, uh, yea, I'm fine, don't worry about it" I said back a bit nervously, the third person sighed in relief before smiling and stepping forward with a hand out to shake, "I'm SapNap, these are my friends Dream and George" SapNap said and he introduced his friends to me, the guy with the mask was Dream and the guy with the goggles was George, Dream waved a bit and George...he just put up a peace sign, "sorry 'bout that, George is usually the tired bitch" Dream spoke up, his voice was nothing I was expecting, I heard a small 'hey!' from George at Dream's words, I chuckled a bit at it, Dream cleared his throat a bit, "so, what's your name?" Dream asked, I smiled and replied "Y/N" SapNap smiled at my name "cute..." I heard George say quietly before seeing him get nudged in the side by Dream, I didn't pay attention to it, SapNap spoke up, "uh so Y/N, would you like to hang out with us sometime? It'll be fun" I looked over at Quackity and he seemed to look back at me, I shrugged before looking back at SapNap, "sure, I would like that" i said, SapNap smiled " great!" SapNap said, "then we'll see you around Y/N" Dream said before the three turned and left.

Me and Quackity went back home, in the house Quackity stopped me at the steps "I'll be up in a minute, ok?" I processed that before nodding, "alright" I said with a small smile, I then went up to the guest bedroom and laid down on the large two person bed, after a couple minutes Quackity came up and got into the bed, after a few minutes it started raining and thundering, Quackity got scared a bit by the loudness so that night we snuggled to sleep for the first time, BUT I only did it cause he was scared of the thunder, NOTHING ELSE!....

THE END! FOR NOW, there will be another chapter sooner or later, so don't worry your guys little heads! But if you have any recommendations on who to add, or have any ideas then feel free to comment! I'd be happy to listen to y'all's thoughts and ideas!

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