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Ranboo pov

Me, Tubbo, and Y/N were walking through Manberg, on our way to Niki's bakery! Tubbo was telling Y/N about Niki and her bakery. I was kinda staring at Y/N a bit from how beautiful they were..but every time they looked over at me and noticed I was looking, they would just smile, I would blush a bit and look away...god why does this have to be so nerve wrecking! They're so pretty and all but I get so nervous when they look at me!..anyways, we arrived at Niki's bakery.

Niki was at the counter smiling sweetly like always, "hey Tubbo and Ranboo! Oh, who's this new person with you two?" Niki said, Tubbo smiled "this is Y/N! Their a new friend of ours" Tubbo said, I nodded in agreement, Y/N just waved a bit at Niki, Niki smiled back at them, I could tell Tubbo got a bit jealous but was hiding it. We gut to our seats and ordered some food and a drink for ourselves, I got some French toast with powdered sugar and a small peppermint tea, Tubbo got two chocolate donuts and a small cup of coke, Y/N got a small piece of chocolate cake and a small coffee with creamer and a bit of sugar in it, I was a bit surprised by Y/N's choice but shrugged a bit and smiled, I was definitely going to remember what Y/N ordered for next time we have lunch together!

As we were waiting for our orders, we were talking about random things, like Y/N favorite color, Thor favorite flowers, what they like to do, things like that, and Tubbo was right, Y/N is an amazing and interesting person! I think I'm starting to like them...a lot. When our orders came, Fundy handed them to us, both me and Tubbo noticed that Fundy blushed a bit at Y/N and got nervous before heading back to the kitchen of the bakery, we talked about random stuff while we ate as well, even though it was mostly just about Y/N but it's fine! At last, it became 4:00, me and Tubbo decided to start walking Y/N back home since we didn't want Wilbur and Tommy to get more upset at us even though Tubbo didn't care I did still care! I don't want my own friend to get upset at me like earlier today! So, we started walking them home, I was thinking about how Fundy blushed at Y/N earlier...*am I jealous? No I can't be! I'm never jealous...but what if I am?...I don't know anymore to be honest...I mean I do like Y/N, they are very pretty and handsome but I dunno about being jealous! Haha! No way! But maybe I am? I'll talk to Tubbo about it later* I thought to myself.

Around 20 minutes later, we reached Y/N's house, Tubbo hugged Y/N goodbye with a smile, I nervously waved goodbye even though they insisted on giving me a hug....ugh! I can't, they did the puppy dog eyes and it was TOO adorable to resist, so! I finally gave up and let them give me a hug...when they gave me a hug it was warm and sweet, they smelt sweet like vanilla and candy, their skin was super soft, it was hard not to resist to hug back, but in the end I hugged them back, it was nice, I was flustered a bit but when they broke the hug and said goodbye, I felt a bit disappointed...I wish that hug could go on forever...and maybe something more one day... after they went into the house, me and Tubbo started walking back to our own house, I guess today wasn't all that bad to think about, well if you didn't include Tommy and Wilbur being upset earlier but that didn't really matter too much now.

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