Angels Fly, Not Swim

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Y/N was standing next to the lake/river near their house, staring into the water, they were simply waiting for Wilbur to come since he said they could hang out today. Y/N didn't hear the footsteps behind them since they were thinking, Y/N moved their footing since they felt unbalanced before falling straight into the water but luckily their wings untucked and caught them to slow down the fall even though they were still falling.

Out of nowhere gentle but quick hands went around Y/N's waist and caught them from falling, the person helped Y/N stand up straight. Y/N turned around and seen someone VERY tall standing there, they looked like a totem of undying and a shark mixed together or something? "Are you okay? You almost fell" the person said "...oh! Yes, I'm fine" Y/N replied, the person smiled a very sweet and sincere smile, "that's good, I'm Foolish" Foolish was the person's name "Y/N, that's my name" Y/N said and smiled a bit, Y/N then noticed Foolish's hands still around their waist "um, your hands" Y/N stated and Foolish looked down and noticed his hands and quickly removed them and seemed to get embarrassed "sorry!" Foolish said quickly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously

Y/N chuckled softly and gently took Foolish's hand "it's fine, don't worry" Y/N said, Foolish smiled a bit. Footsteps were heard and then stopped only a few feet away from them, Y/N turned around and got surprised when they saw Wilbur standing there with his guitar, Wilbur seemed surprised but also something else that Y/N couldn't tell, Y/N let go of Foolish's hand and walked over to Wilbur, Wilbur gently took Y/N's hand and pulled them away from Foolish, Foolish waved goodbye, Y/N didn't notice but Wilbur glared at Foolish.

After a few moments Wilbur stopped walking, "Wilbur? What's the matter?" Y/N asked confused, "don't go near him" Wilbur said, his tone surprised Y/N since he sounded stern for the first time "What? Why?" Y/N asked, visibly confused "JUST-sorry..I...i didn't mean to get mad at you like that Y/N...I just don't want you to get hurt, so please just don't.go.near.him...can you promise that?" Wilbur said, his voice went from stern and angry to soft and almost...sad? Y/N got sad a bit and felt guilty "..sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry...I promise.." Y/N said softly. Wilbur smiled softly and pulled Y/N into a gentle hug, Wilbur's hands was on Y/N's head, Y/N leaned into the hug and accepted the comfort, it was weird how they felt so guilty but they were glad that Wilbur forgave them.

After a few of hugging, Wilbur took Y/N's hand and took them back home. When they walked through the front door they both seen Tommy sitting on the couch eating some chips, Y/N chuckled a bit. A few hours go by and it's around 5:30 now.

"I'll go make dinner" Wilbur said and stood up from the couch "I'll help!" Tommy said rather quickly and stood up, Wilbur smiled and they both walked to the kitchen, *they're kinda acting weird...* Y/N thought to themself, after a few seconds Y/N heard Tommy and Wilbur talking about...


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