Locked down

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Michael's POV

They kicked us out. If Luke wasn't so rude, we should would be in the house. But he got burned badly 😂

"It's all your fault, Luke." Calum mumbled.

"How is it my fault?! She's the one who freaked out!" Luke yelled at him.

We were on a random street. It's was 1 in the morning, and it was extremely dark. Since it was the summer, it was quite humid as well.

"Luke calm the hell down!" Ashton yelled back at him.

I just walked quietly. We were lost. Plus the girls probably hated us... I wanted to go back, but they would probably just kick us back out!

"It's not my fault!" Luke mumbled to himself, and walked faster.

He looked like a psycho man. And I couldn't help myself from laughing.

Luke started running, and we followed, eventually getting back to our hotel room.

We all went to our rooms and passed out. It was a tiring night, but I still had Grace on my mind.

Grace's POV

"Jessica please open the door!" I yelled. We were trying to get into her room, but she wouldn't open it!

"No!" She sounded like she was... Crying?

"Jessica, come on! It's not a big deal! Boys will be dicks!" Yasmin yelled, while knocking on the door harder.

"Im not opening the door!" She yelled.

"Okay, fine. But stop feeling sad!" I yelled, and then walked away back to bed, so did Yasmin.

"Goodnight." I told her, while smiling, and walking to my room.


Jessica's POV

Once I heard them go to their room, I knew I had to do it.

I got dressed in all black and put on a black beanie. I then put my pillows inside my sheets, like I was still asleep. I quietly opened the door, and escaped my room, walking into the kitchen.

I was going to get revenge. Maybe, anyways. If I wasn't caught.

I had the boys' hotel which they were staying in.

I sneaked my way to the door of the hotel room, trying not to make any noise to wake the other girls.

I then stepped on Grace's shoe and tripped.

"Fuck!" I mumbled, getting up.

"I hope they didn't wake up...." I opened the door, and snuck out.

While walking through the hotel hallway, I came across a drunk man. Well shit.

"Where are you going, baby?" He asked me, while standing up in my way.

"First off, say that again, and I kill you. Second of all, fuck off!" I squeezed past him and ran. I then reached the streets of LA.

Where did they say there hotel was? Right! I remember now.

I started running, but made sure no one could see me. Mostly prostitutes or murderers were out at this time and I did not want to encounter any of those!

I then teacher their hotel, snuck by the front desk. I was going to knock, but then I remembered that it was a prank...

Sometimes I'm so dumb....

I then went back outside. They were on the 3rd floor. I would have to climb up to their porch, and get in through the window.

I climbed up, almost falling once or twice.

And then falling once.

||||| 3rd person POV |||||

Meanwhile, in the girls hotel room:

Grace woke up to check on Jessica. She noticed the door was opened. She went in and saw "her" and she sighed.

"Jessica?" She said, turning on the lights. "Are you okay?" She then looked and gasped. Of course, she didn't see Jessica.

Grace screamed, waking up Yasmin.

"Grace what's wrong?!" Yasmin ran into Jessica's room with a baseball bat.

"JESSICA IS GONE!" Grace yelled "We have to find her!" She ran to get dressed, while noticing that the hotel room was unlocked!

|||| at the boys hotel |||||

She fell into a little pond. It was a bad idea.

Jessica managed to get into the hotel room. She had to open the window carefully and quietly.

She then climbed in, but fell onto the floor. There she saw Luke standing there, with no top on, only in his boxers.

"Uh... What are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"I was in the neighbourhood and I didn't want to disturb you, so I climbed in through the window." Jessica stood up and walked closer to Luke, as she examined his body.

"Oh, okay." Luke smiled.

"Luke I missed you..." She looked down.

"Same. Take off those clothes and put this on." He handed her one of his shirts.

She looked at him.

"Right..." He said, turning around.

She put it one, discarding her other clothes.

"I think I love you." She ran into his arms and kissed him.

Then Ashton walked in.

"Luke why are you up so- WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed, dropping his glass. Ashton didn't see Jessica's face, so he was wondering who it was.

"Ashton get out! Seriously, mate. I need some alone time!" Luke yelled.

"With some slut?! Don't tell me that it's Teresa or I will flip out!" Ashton yelled back.

"Dude, it's only me. Stop having a heart attack!" Jessica got off the bed a giggled.

Then there was a knock on the door. It was the girls.

"DONT TELL THEM IM HERE!" Jessica yelled, crawling under Luke's sheets.

"But they will see someone in my bed!" Luke said, panicking.

"Say it's some slut." She pulled the blankets over her head. By this time, everyone was awoken. Including Calum and Michael.

"Mate, what's going on?" Michael asked.

"Who's at the door?" Calum then asked.

Ashton opened the door.

"What's wrong, girls?" He asked.

"JESSICA IS MISSING!!" They both yelled.

"No she's not! She's in Luke's bed.... Wait she's in Luke's bed?!" Calum yelled, uncovering me with the sheets.

"Eh, hi!" She smiled and waved slightly while climbing out of bed.

"JESSICA YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! DONT DO THIS TO US AGAIN! And why were you in Luke's bed?" Yasmin asked, while Michael and Grace were flirting.

Ew that was gross! Then they started kissing! Well then....

"I'll explain to you later..." Jessica said as she sat on the couch and the other girls followed.

"No tell me now!" Both girls complained.

"Long story short, I think I found the love of my life...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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