Background to the AU in this

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Athena Grant and Bobby Nash got married in their early twenties after coming across this 3 year old boy Evan Buckley who was just dumped outside of Bobby's work in negative 20 degree weather. Something about the bright blue eyed blond boy yanked at Bobby's heart he couldn't physically give the young boy up, that was his child there was a birth certificate they drove the boy out of state to abandon him. So he called up his fiancée Athena Grant who happens to be a police officer, Bobby and her talked and both agreed they could at least foster the young boy.

To the young couple surprise the young boy fit right into their house hold and when the requirements said that they needed to be legally married it was no hesitation the next day the three of them were at the court house getting married their son Evan and the two of them.

After just six months of having the young blue eyed blond in their house they were officially his parents. No worry of someone taking him back from the couple, no one could hurt the young boy who came in very skinny and bruises. They promised to protect him and to keep him safe forever and let him do what he wants.

A lot of people mainly Athena mother said they would regret 'taking in a stray that has no relation to their family.' They never did even as Evan grew up at around age ten when there were three others Evan's in his class the teacher started calling him Buck so when he came home one day his parents saw worry on his face when he had asked if they could start calling him Buck instead of Evan they obviously agreed as he was his own person. So at age ten they listened to their son and started calling him Buck once again Athena mom said that was inappropriate but they shut her down real quick.

'No it's not, he came to us and asked and we agreed we are his parents not his owners he deserves to have say about what he's called.' Athena scolded her mother not letting her try to control what they allowed for their son. When Athena found out she was pregnant with her first child Buck was over the moon at first but halfway through the pregnancy they notice a change in Buck's behavior which worried them.

Buck was usually very open with them and love to talked to them and tell them about his day with them which they both loved. When they had enough of it they confronted him and what he said made both of their blood boil and their vison go red. 'Grandma said I should start getting ready that you wouldn't want me after May is born. T-That you would be to busy and I'm a burden.' 

They ended up cutting contact almost completely and moved to LA when May was around three years old. They hated that they told an 11 year old boy that his parents wouldn't want him just because he was adopted and they had a baby.  

Buck was 16 when he came out to his parents as Bisexual he was filled with fear had a bag packed and everything thinking he was going to be kicked out as they were Catholic. Bobby and Athena quickly reassured Buck as they always did, saying that they didn't care who he liked as long as he was the respectful caring young man that they raised than who he loved didn't matter. That as long as him and his partner love each other and treat each other with respect and that they treated him right so they wouldn't have to hid a body.

Buck's brother Harry was born a year later when he was 17 and he was thrilled most of his friends thought it was weird that he liked hanging out with his 6 year old sister and year old brother but he never cared he found out after with his mom and dad permission to do a DNA test to see who he was they obviously agreed as they were never controlling.

Though once Buck turned 19 he got really depressed as he tried to reach out to his biological brother and sister they told him to basically fuck off and never talk to them again and he took it heavy he felt like a failure despite his good grades and his achievements he always felt like he was never enough. He ended up attempting suicide Bobby and Athena hated that they missed the signs. In their words.

'I'm a first responder who sees people struggling how could I not see my own son was struggling so badly!' Buck ended up in a coma for three weeks heart stopping three times he died three times and they almost lost their blond haired blue eyed little boy even though he was 6'2 two inches taller than Bobby.

'I just feel like a disappointment I'm 19 and don't know what to do with my life!' He said sobbing through tears as Bobby and Athena just hugged him as he was still in the hospital. 'There no rush Buck, we will support you no matter what.'

'I'm gonna be s-something, I just d-don't know what it is yet.' They hugged him tighter how could they not see how much their oldest was hurting they hated they stopped paying as much attention to him. 'Of course you will give it time kiddo!' Bobby said through tears as his son who Athena had made jokes of being his biological father for the point of how much they look alike. 

Buck ended up traveling after two years of traveling at age 21 he had met the army medic Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz, they hooked up thinking it was a one time thing as he did a lot during traveling and they fell head over hells for him. Six months after dating he took him to LA with him, he stayed in touch with his parents but hadn't really stepped foot in LA other than holidays and birthdays so his dad had a whole new team.

Buck joined the fire academy at 22 feeling better he still had his bad days but he missed his family and since Eddie was away again for work on another tour it sucked when he was away but they had been together for a year almost. Eddie being 25 his parents were a little bit wary at the age gap but thankfully started trusting him.

When Eddie got home after being gone almost a year catching him by surprise on Buck's 23rd birthday he proposed to him Buck through the tears of joy agreed and a year later adopted 5 year old Christopher Buckley-Diaz as they changed his last name as there was no history on him he was found in a lake he has CP and they think whoever his parents were tried to drown him because of the medical bills. Bobby and Athena and the 118 accepted him into the family right away to they men's relief.

When Buck was 25 and Eddie 29 his chopper was shot down and he was honorably discharged from the military and joined the LAFD the next year same station when Buck was 26 everything was amazing and just going good for everyone.

But than right after Buck's 27th birthday some retard bombed the fire engine and Buck ended up pinned under it and died during surgery they managed to get his heartbeat back Bobby and Athena were devastated along with Eddie his husband. Buck had been more than unlucky since joining the team falling off ladders, held at gun point, now this when they thought it couldn't get any worse five months after his leg was fixed he developed a PE and was than caught in a tsunami that almost killed him and his and Eddie son.

Than about six months after than Eddie had a ton of mud collapses on top of him and he almost drowned in the well and Buck's crazy ass was going to dig him out by hands Bobby had to rip him off of the area that collapsed Buck crying in his lap.

Than another six months after all of that in a building fire the roof collapsed and Buck fell down easily two hundred banging into walls, than once again six months later Eddie was shot by a sniper. These two have given Bobby and Athena and the rest of the 118 more than enough heart attacks and that without their own injuries.

Everything calmed down for a year they started the process of getting a surrogate to have a baby of their own when they were held hostage in their own ambulance once again causing Athena a heart attack Bobby didn't find out till later that night and he groaned throwing his head back. 'Of course it happened to them.' He huffed out rubbing the back of his neck everything calmed down after that for awhile, Buck and Eddie ended up with twins one boy who they named Harlan and a girl who they named Hailey, they used Buck's sperm and one of Eddie's sisters eggs so they had a small amount of Eddie DNA.

When the twins were about 7 months old Buck was struck by lighting and died again this time for 3 minutes and seventeen seconds. He had to be put into a medically induced coma for a week as his lungs needed time to rest. Bobby took this the hardest out of all of them the fact he was right there, a few feet from the truck standing under his son who was lifeless scared the living shit out of him. He didn't start thinking like a captain until he heard Eddie screaming Buck's name running back up that ladder he had to choke back the tears. Buck was only 30 years old and had died again and was so close to dyeing the closest he's ever been. 



This story takes place at Oliver Stark the actor who plays Evan "Buck" Buckley on 9-1-1 current age 32. 

If you don't like the changes in the storyline sorry but this is the storyline.

Sorry bout short chapter.

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