Chapter 1

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This Fan Fic will be extremely dark at point this will be the only chapter on Wattpad that says it as Ao3 has notes and most people read Wattpad once the Fan Fic is done. This Fic will talk about murder, stalking, abduction, sexual assault, rape, mental health. It will also have talk of people being hunted like prey like they are animals and not humans. It will also talk about a lot of fucked up shit in general. So this is the only warning readers on Wattpad will get who knows I might not even warn Ao3 readers. 



LA has lets just say been on edge lately, and on edge lets say paranoid as there is a new serial killer that has shown up all of a sudden. The memo that Detective Athena Grant has seen is difficult and also worry some. Blond hair, Blue eyes and female and it seems that the person always has the next victim ready after they kill one. Or they already have the victim in their grasp. 

The victim is always found naked their elbows bent and their hands under their hands placed together fingers all straight, knees bent and legs pulled to their chest backs bent basically placed into a fetal position. The killer always does the victim's make up and puts their hair into braids or buns, nails painted and clipped.

The victims the killer goes after are all married with 2-5 children, ages ranging from 20-35 years old, and all very pretty. They are always taken from their homes most show signs of struggle there is no set time of day the killer strikes either. And at every crime scene there is a family photo and on the picture there a ripped sticky note over the husband face saying 'She's Mine'. 

This case is annoying and nobody wants it so as punishment for breaking a rule Athena was stuck with the case. There are zero....ZERO suspects! 'How is that possible?' Athena thinks to herself groaning as she slams the folder down onto the table in her kitchen when her oldest son Evan walks into the home for their weekly lunch.

"Hey mom, is everything ok?" His voice the usually up beat chirpy happy carefree that brings anyone out of a bad mood Athena thinks but she also knows she's biased as it's her son. "I'm good Buck...this case is just annoying cold, there a body once every three to six months but we can't find a suspect and if the killer follows the current memo set there a body due in to show up somewhere in LA in two weeks and an abduction in six." She lets out a long sigh cleaning up the files putting it into a neat pile so she can not focus on work as this is the one time a weeks she makes sure she catches up with her eldest son.

"But no work's the grandbabies?" Buck bright smile gets even brighter handing Athena some pictures He printed out for her. Chris is 13 and the twins Harlan and Hailey just turned three years old last week. "Chris is annoyed with his siblings since he's ten years older than him I never remember bickering with May and Harry this much but Eddie says it's normal. Harlan gets his new hearing aids next week their hoping with the higher setting they can avoid the surgery but me and Eddie both already agreed against the surgery until he can choose. Hailey gets her new leg next week that will fit better." 

Harlan was born death and the twins were born prematurely and the doctor had an IV in her leg and apparently they didn't keep it clean enough or something weird happened and they ended up having to cut off her leg due to an infection. 

"Your little fighters." Athena gives Buck hug clapping him in the back he nods his head smiling. 


Lunch for Buck and Athena was going smoothly up until Athena got a damn phone call for work. "So sorry Buckaroo I got to answer this." Buck roll his eyes playfully shaking his head that she apologized for having to answer her phone. "Mom please it's's work answer it." He says pulling his phone out and answering any text he's might have gotten while Athena deals with what she needs to deal with. 

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