Chapter 2

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Evan "Buck" Buckley even though he was raised by amazing parents, well if he was being honest he would never ask for better parents or a different family. He absolutely loves his mom and dad, his brother and sister. But Buck is very insecure he doesn't know why there this little voice that sounds oddly like his grandmother who his parents have not let get within fifty feet of him ever since he was eleven after telling him that his parents were finally gonna toss him away since they were pregnant with Buck's sister. He can't help but feel he's not enough for his husband, his children, his mom and dad who have done everything for him never left him out. Always made sure he knew how much they loved him, but he wasn't enough for them, for the team. 

"I can hear you thinking mi amor." Eddie mummers in a half awake daze petting through Buck's hair who's been awake for three hours stuck inside his own head laying on top of Eddie, the most perfect brunet hair caramel eyed Latino husband who he does not deserve he thinks again. "Sorry." Buck responds pressing his body up against Eddie's shirtless body even more Eddie instantly wrapping one of his arms around his husband tightly rubbing circles into his back, the other pets through his hair. "What's wrong Buck, you ok?" The older man places a kiss on top of the blonds head knowing he's in an episode but needing the younger man to voice his needs so he can act accordingly. 

"No, I don't think so Ed's." Eddie lets out a sigh of relief that Buck voiced it but at the same time it worries him knowing usually he's been bad for a few days. "Wanna see if we can call in for work babe?" Due to Bobby being Buck's dad the brass has Buck on C's shift while Eddie is on A shift with Bobby, and Chimney. Hen works on C shift as well and is also Buck's bestfriend.

"I don't know...I'm sorry." Buck starts to cry causing Eddie's heart to ache, he hates to see the love of his life hurting knowing it was nothing he did. Knowing it was nothing nobody did which made it worse because there is nothing he can do to take the pain away from him. "Sorry for what you haven't done anything Ev." Eddie voice firm and hard with that statement when he decides to pull Buck up more so their faces our near each other. "For having to deal with me, for having to deal with my mood deserve better than my emotional ass."

"Evan don't talk like that, I love you and I knew what I was signing up for when I asked you to be my boyfriend, than when I asked you to marry me and when I asked to renew our vows. I love you more than anything in this world along with our three beautiful children, plus it nothing compared what you had to put up with when my PTSD was bad when I got out of Iraq."

Eddie sits up holding Buck's head into his chest holding him tightly asking if their babysitter Carla could take the kids to daycare and Chris to school for them knowing today is gonna be a lay in bed holding each other day.

"But you have a reason for that Eddie." Buck responds dryly making Eddie sigh rolling his eyes. "Evan when I woke up to you blue in the face trying to claw your way out from under me, I felt like the shittiest person in the world you were seconds from passing if the alarm hadn't gone off I would have killed you, the other father of we only had Chris at the time. You stayed you didn't even run from me Ev, you broke the door off the bathroom to get to me you held me for hours as I cried constantly apologizing." Eddie take a second stopping when Buck was about to argue.

"I was scared to sleep in the same house with you and Chris I did run for a little bit until you had your mom track me down and you forced me to come home and forced me to let you cuddle me so now we are going to cuddle and watch tv for the next three days and your going to let me show you how much I love you. That is an order from your dominate ok." Buck nods and Eddie takes the pad of his thumb wiping Buck's cheek bone that had a few fallen tears on it.

It killed Eddie to see him like this every time it happens his heart hurts until he sees the normal blonds eyes turn bright again and his smile that can't help but make anyone in the same room smile with him. "I think I'd like that." He lets up Eddie kisses him on the lips softly not in a needy way or sexual way but a loving kiss that shows his husband he's there for him and he has people who love him. 

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