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Buck and C shift were finishing up a call Hen bumping into Hen who him and her were joking around with one another like they normally do as best friends when all of a sudden they hear someone yelling for help. "Somebody help, please m-m-my daughter!" A man yells freaking out Buck and Hen grab the medical bag running as fast as they can to the man and the young daughter. "What's going on?" Hen asks grabbing the father by the shoulders he's frantic and breathing fast hands on his head. "I-I don't know!...I-I looked away for two minutes all I did was look away for two minutes she the only thing I have!" 

Buck heart wrenches as he starts to preform CPR on the young girl his daughter being only maybe two years younger than this little girl when all of a sudden the monitor beeps and the little child starts crying loudly. "Never thought I would be so happy to hear the sound of a screaming child." Buck whispers lightly and Hen nods as they rush the daughter into the ambulance. "Thank you, oh my god thank you she's the only thing that I have that matters." 

"Hey I know that feeling I have a daughter, ok I have almost lost my twins when they were babies I know the fear you felt the doctors will find out what happened." Buck says putting a hand on the dad shoulder and that when ? takes a real look at Buck this hot blond haired blue eyed firefighter who's married telling by the band on his finger and has kids. "What's her name, and your name if I may ask?" Buck ask and the guy looks up wiping the tears off his cheeks.

"Oh uh her name is Oliva, and my name is Adam her uh father died when she was three she really all I have." Buck eyes softens feeling bad for the man not knowing he just became Adam's next target, not knowing that Adam killed her mother and not an accident. "God man I'm sorry I couldn't imagine losing my husband the father of my kids." Buck says looking at the single father with a sad look. 

When they get to the hospital Buck tells Hen to hold on being the person he is runs in to see Adam and calls out to him. "Hey, if you uh ever need a couple friends or you want support system with your daughter call or text me ok." Buck hands Adam his number who has to hold back the smirk that wants to dance across his face. 'Oh, sarà facile, mio ​​stupido, bellissimo uomo.' Adam whispers as Buck walks out the door a smirk spreading across his face with a chuckle this man is striking something inside him that makes him want to go crazy.

What makes it even more of a done deal for Adam is he saved his daughter the one person he has truly loved and now he has the love of his life with that bellissimo birthmark makes him excited just thinking about it. 


"How is Eddie going to feel about you giving your number to a hot single father, let alone a stranger Buck...god what would your parents say about giving your number to a complete stranger?" Hen snarks and Buck just scoffs rolling his eyes shaking his head.

"Eddie will understand Hen, he's not controlling for one...for two he doesn't have anyone Hen and by the sounds of his daughters heart after I got it back he's going to need someone I don't think she has function in the bottom left part of her heart and Harlan having heart problems I know exactly how he is going to feel!" Buck snarks back and Hen groans shaking her head at the kid who has way to big of a heart.

"You know one day that big heart of yours and your generosity and kindness is going to come back and bite you in the ass some day Evan if your not careful." Hen says as a half joke but also concerned a bit that he gave his number to a stranger. "It's not like he's a serial killer or something Hen, he's a single father who could very well be losing his daughter."

"And plus I like helping people Hen we all know I could drink beer and go on first class vacation and waste a million dollars on a vacation if I wanted. I mean it disgusting how much money I have when we that business was started as a fuck it lets donate half of what we make to build houses for people who lost their home due to fires and to plant trees and clean beaches. And than all of a sudden over a decade later I am waste money on a boat rich how the hell is that right?" Buck states and Hen laughs because most people would love to be rich and here's Buck who hates himself for it.

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