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"I don't know Mom it just seems weird, like somebody is constantly watching me wherever I go. Eddie saying that I'm just being paranoid but I have a bad feeling." Buck tells his mom handing her a glass of wine with chewing his bottom lip. "Do you feel like that at work to, I don't like what I'm hearing." 

"Yeah that what makes it weird, it worrying." Athena furrows her brows sitting back in her seat. "Have you had your cameras checked for any unwanted watchers?" Buck nods his head making Athena now feel uneasy that her son feels unsafe in his own home putting a hand on his. "You want me to see what I can do?" 

"There really nothing to do, no signs of break ins, no hacked servers I had the security passwords changed once every three days. I-I had the locks on the window replaced to higher quality, the locks on the door changed. Had the jeep and house checked for any bugs the house as well I mean maybe Eddie's right." Buck says with a sigh throwing his head back in frustration shaking his head. 

"Maybe it the new meds my doctor put me on a few months ago." Buck says waving it off making Athena frown but drop it's. "So how's your case going Mama?" Buck asks with a soft smile cooking them lunch. "Uh we have a lead there was a car but it was torched by the time we found it." 

"So back to square one again, what if it's a cop or detective? I mean I know it's hard to think that way but think about it, the house gets wiped down the blankets get washed if the house has cameras they are usually destroyed." Athena's eyes widen as she sits back in her seat thinking hating how she never thought about it. "I mean are any of your coworkers weird or is there any suspects in that pool?"

"I-I got to go...oh my god thank you so much you are a genius." Athena says pressing a kiss to her son forehead thankful making Buck laugh. "No problem love you mama." Buck says  with a fond smile shaking his head. "Love you to Buckaroo, be safe and lock up baby." 

"I will mom, you be safe to I expect you to outlive me." Buck says jokingly the biggest smile on his face. "Na uh, I do not intend on burying my own child don't even think about dying on me Evan." Athena says firmly crossing her arms tightly glaring at her son who shrugs his shoulders. "What I love you I don't know what I would do without you." He protests for himself with a smile making Athena stop hugging her son tightly forcing him to bend down placing another kiss on his forehead. "I love you to Buckaroo, no dying."

"Only if the same rule applies to you mama." Buck says with cocky smile making Athena smack him in the back of the head. "It always does and plus even if I do die, you will be alright because you will have Bobby, Eddie, your children and the whole 118. Stay safe ok." 


Adam waits fifteen minutes for the stupid mother to leave before using his copied card to get into the gate of the house with a sick grin. He uses the key on the door that he made the day before with a smirk punching in the code chuckling as he makes it to his Evan. "Hey il mio bellissimo uomo." Adam says making the cup Buck had in his hand fall and shattered. 

"Adam! what are you doing here, why are you in my house! How did you get into my house!" Buck reaches for his phone dialing 911 shakily when he goes to grab him Buck steps back attempting to run to his and Eddie's bedroom. "Here to get what belongs to me and my daughter."

He says grabbing Buck who elbows him in the nose just to be hit again groaning. "Get off of me you freak!" Buck growls he is thankful his children aren't here when his mom case file flashes through his eyes. "Your the blond haired killer, why the hell do you want me! I am a male!" Buck yells trying to fight it as his arms are slammed into the walls going through them. "Mhm I see you caught me bellissimo, I like men and women it's just hard to find a man with blond hair blue eyes and a Latino husband. Plus I'm not gonna kill you amore, I love you don't you see that?"

"To prove that I will make love to you right here." Buck eyes widen as he tries to fight the larger man off a hand over his mouth.


Athena is on her computer and looking through case file when Bobby calls her franticly. "Athena! I'm on my way to our sons place look at the shared camera feed someone broke in! Oh god Thena." Athena hops up looking at Detective Ransom eyes wide as he nods following her opening her phone and to the live feed they shared with her and Bobby.

"I love you don't you see that? I will make love to you to prove it." Athena eyes widen as she shakes with rage and fear as her son tries to fight the larger man off of him tears streaming down his face as his pants start to get pulled down. "NO no no!" Athena pleads as they are going as fast as possible but they are on the other side of town. 

The larger man flips him around slamming his face into the wall and forcing himself inside her son causing Athena to throw up. "You don't go after men your memo is women!" Athena heart drops even more. "Of course your family would be the first man to get taken by the killer." Lou says making Athena let out a pained laugh. "That's Adam, he's a narcotic detective, oh my god he was right it a cop." 


Eddie pulls up to the house ten minutes to late walking into the house seeing a car pull away off the street confusing him but brushing it off. He walks in excited to see his husband to see a broken glass and hole in the wall. "Babe, are you ok where are you!" Eddie asks heart sinking when he sees blood on the wall not a lot but just a smudge. "Evan?" Eddie says voice getting higher when he rushes into the bedroom to more struggle in there and Buck's pants the sliding glass door open. 

"Evan this isn't funny!" Eddie rasps as he hear police sirens and lots of them Eddie and Buck both had the week off since Buck broke his wrist a few days ago at work and Eddie wanted to see his parents and hang out with his husband for a week. He looks at the picture to see a sticky note on it saying. 'He's Mine' Eddie heart stops right then and there when Athena comes rushing into the house. "Eddie you have to get out of the house it's a crime scene." 

Eddie can't respond as his whole body trembles looking at their family picture heart shattering more and more. "Please tell me you have him in an ambulance right now?" He asks voice high pitched and desperate for this to be a sick joke. "The cameras show he got away, good thing is he couldn't find the cameras Buck had hidden here." 

"Nobody checks for cameras in closets and random objects, why didn't I believe him he said he felt like someone was watching him. He fits the memo doesn't he that why your allowed on his case because he matches the memo?" Eddie asks shaking the rage beginning to take over his entire body. "Y-Yeah the Blond Haired killer is who took him we have a name on him though Adam."

Eddie head turns face turning bright red with rage grabbing the hidden gun he had taped under the bed throwing license at Athena. "Eddie what are you doing!"

"I let that bastard in my home and he took my husband, he is dead he isn't making it out alive. Were you looking at the cameras, did he rape my husband in his own home?" Eddie asks loading the pistol to get tackled by three other police officers. "I can't disclose the case Eddie."

"Bullshit he is my husband, my husband and he is out there so get off of me and give me my gun! He is my husband so don't give me the I can't discuss a case bullshit Athena Grant!" Eddie yells through gritted teeth breaking Athena heart. "Eddie we can't risk you going rouge." Lou says making Eddie grab the cop who's pinning him down foot knocking him to the ground. "He is the father of my children, and no offense Athena there has been five kidnappings now six and every single one has came up dead. I am not letting my children lose their daddy, their daddy who would give the world to save them. He would be living out of a car poor to save any one of us standing right here." Eddie growls grabbing his gun throwing the papers at them storming out of the house.

He will do whatever it takes to bring the father of his children home, he doesn't care what it cost and what it costs him. He doesn't care if it kills him, as long as he gets his husband back home safely. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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