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"Love you Ev, gonna drop the kids off and than be back in a few hours." Eddie says pulling his beyond beautiful husband in for a kiss pushing him into the wall sucking a deep hickey into his neck making Buck's breath quicken than hold it again to get his husband tongue shoved down his throat. "I expect you naked when I get back from seeing my parents so as soon as your parents leave I want you bare ass naked and prepped for me baby ok?" Eddie growls sucking another hickey into Buck's neck grinding his thigh making Buck hard as a rock. "God yes I like what that sounds like." He moans stealing one last kiss before Eddie walks out leaving Buck weak in the knees leaning against the wall panting and wanting more right damn now.

"I fucking love my husband holy shit." Buck pants pushing himself off the wall with a smile throwing his head back wiping the spit off his lip chuckling as he does the dishes naked as his parents had to cancel on lunch do to work so he stripped right away and prepped himself just like his handsome strong muscular husband ordered him to do he can just imagine the things he has planned the ways he's going to wreak him.

Tear him apart piece by until he's a screaming over simulated mess tears streaming down his face as he looks at the beautiful caramel brown eyes that belong to him and his Latino husband whispers loving words in his ear.

The thought has him rock hard and so badly wanting to touch himself but he knows better than to do that. Buck leans on the couch in the position Eddie loves to find him in on weekends like this where they never get dressed where no one is allowed over and it just them enjoying each other body for three days straight. There once a month date weekend no children or work or annoying parents. 

Eddie walks in dropping his bag cooing over his husband who's fallen asleep waiting for him like his pretty little slut. Eddie steps behind him softly kissing his neck Buck who pushes back a bit humming. "Hmm sorry baby I didn't mean to fall asleep." Buck says as Eddie leaves a trail of wet kisses down Buck's spine making him let out a breathless moan. "It fine my pretty little slut it was so adorable seeing you sprawled out on the couch chin resting on the back waiting for me. Do you feel up to it or are you to tired I don't want you to feel forced that the last thing I would ever want you to feel mi amour." 

"No I need you Eddie I've been looking forward to having you in me all day what you had planned. To let you use me anyway you need want or need." Those words make Eddie groan as he plays with Buck's nipples licking down his back nipping biting and sucking at his tail bone earning whines from Buck. Eddie loves when he can hear his husband moan and scream at the top of his lungs that why they send the kids away for weekends like these so Eddie can make Buck scream till he loses his voice people have learned the hard way to not try and come over during the last weekend of the month.

"Color my beautiful perfect gorgeous man." Buck pants out green as Eddie grabs the small butt plug that only opens Buck two fingers which tells Eddie Buck wants it to hurt and be so rough and he's free to do whatever he pleases to his husband to go slow or to go so fast that Buck can't breath. Since Buck sometimes has troubles communicating what he wants or is ok with they put systems in place to make sure nothing happens or continues that Buck doesn't like. They have safe words and singles for if Buck is non verbal after one time Eddie didn't realize Buck was extremely in distress and couldn't get the words out Eddie felt so freaking bad because Buck was panicking and crying non happy tears it made Eddie scared to do anything sexual or even kissing for months because he thought he didn't deserve it for hurting Buck.

Eddie takes the plug pulling it almost all the way out and slamming it back in making Buck let out a long deep groan as Eddie does it again and again getting rougher but since it small it's not doing enough for Buck. "Mhm fuck Ed's." Buck groans throwing his head back and Eddie knows exactly what he wants as he kisses Buck deeply and roughly taking what he wants licking and sucking Bucks mouth his sub whines like the good slut he is. 

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