Our baby

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" Please hana listen to me once " Taehyung said pleadingly.

"give me a chance hana. I know I hurted you so much, I did so bad with you..but please atleast give a chance " he added.
his eyes filled with tears

Hana can't see tears in Taehyung's eyes.
she can't bear that he is crying just because of her.

She nodded her head slightly still looking down.

Taehyung smiled a little.

I want to know whose child is she carrying?
Is this child is mine?
Are you idiot Taehyung?
You wanna ask this first?
Say something else duffer.
Let's start with sorry...

his eyes caught attention of an icecream parlour.

Taehyung looked at hana who was lost somewhere and then her Belly.

he remembered, he read an article in which written that during pregnancy women crave for different different food...

" Do you want to eat ice-cream?" He asked softly.

Hana looked at Taehyung and shakes her head as a no.

"Sir please tell me whatever you want to say.what if someone sees us together.we're in a public place and its not good for your reputation getting caught with a club girl" she put the pressure on word club intentionally.

He felt his heart breaking apart. A sudden wave of guilt rushes through his veins.

"Wait here" he said softly and went towards icecream parlour. He ordered two icecreams.

Hana was just staring at him blankly.

She was lost in her thoughts when a Manly hand touch her shoulder. she turned to look at hand's owner.

" Where were you?you're 7 months pregnant and still you're roaming here and there. if you need something then you could have told me or Annie.. why you never listen to me? huh? What if something happens to you or baby? tell me?" jungkook said all of this in one breath scolding her.

Hana felt like crying. She is really so lucky to have him. They are not blood related and still he cares for her like her own brother.

He saw tears in her eyes and hugs her softly.

He broke the hug and said
"Why are you crying?Are you okay? Do you want something?Wait!did you hurt yourself somewhere?" he said while checking her from head to toe with worried face.

Hana was looking at her brother's worried face continuously with teary eyes.

Jungkook snapped his hand infront of hana's face.

"Where are you lost?tell me!why are you here?" He asks again.

Hana chuckled.

"Aww don't worry oppa and please breath ok... I was just bored at home that's why I came here ." she replied smiling warmly.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Nothing I became emotional.. seeing your concern."

"Dumbo" he softly hits her forehead making her laugh.

"Ok let's go home."he said while dragging her towards his car.

"But opp-" hana tried to tell him about Taehyung but he cut her off.

"shut up and sit quietly....miss Manager is waiting for us at home.she was so worried about you. " he said softly while being falsely strict.

Hana giggled.

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