Into The Forest of Self-Doubt

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"I can't believe I did this!" (Y/n) starts, over excitedly.

"I can't believe I did this. . ." She mumbles.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS!" (Y/n) shouts, jumping around, with the biggest smile on her face.

"Mother would be so furious."

"But, that's ok though, what she doesn't know won't kill her. . .Right?"

"Oh my gosh, This would kill her. . ."


"I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back."

"I am never going back!"

"I am a despicable human being"

"WOOHOOO! Best day ever!"

After having a whole existential crisis, (Y/n) sits down, leaning against a rock, and starts crying.

Mikey and Leo walk up to her and the former nudges his older brother to try and cheer her up.

"What?! Why me?" Leo looks at his brother with confusion and a bit of annoyance written on his face.

"You're the one who made the deal with her. So, you take care of her." Mikey sassily whispers back, crossing his arms.

"Fine" Leo rolls his eyes as he walks over to the girl.

He clears his throat, not knowing what to say to her at first.

"You know, I can't help but notice, you seem a little at war with yourself, here." He starts.


"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces. Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure. That's good, healthy even." He shoved Mikey away when he tried to interrupt Leo's talk with her.

(Y/n) wipes her tears and laughs a bit. "You think?"

"I know. You're way over thinking this, trust me. Does your mother deserve it? No. Will this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course. But you just gotta do it."

"Break her heart?" (Y/n) asks, fear of hurting her 'mother' written on her face.

"In half." Leo responds nonchalantly , grabbing a berry from a bush.

"Crush her soul?" The girl enunciates.

"Like a grape." Leo says, crushing the grape.

"She would be heart-broken. You're right"

Leo picked the girl up from the floor.

"I am, aren't I? Oh, bother." He said with a bit of a smirk.

"Alright. I can't believe I'm doing this, but . . . I'm letting you out of a deal."

"What?" (Y/n) whispered in disbelief.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" Mikey yelled at him.

"That's right. But don't thank me. Let's just turn around,and get you home, here's your pan, and I will be taking him with me." He says as he points toward Mikey.

"I get my satchel, and brother, back." He mutters, under his breath.

"You get back a mother-daughter relationship based on mutual trust and, Viola! We part ways as unlikely friends." Leo said, wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder and leading her back to the tower.

"No! I am seeing those lanterns." (Y/n) says as she pushes the boy off of her.

"And I'm not going anywhere with you!" Mikey shouts at Leo.

His smirk falls as he realizes that his plan didn't work.

"Oh, come on! What is it going to take to get my satchel back?" He asks, annoyed.

"I will use this." (Y/n) lifts the pan under his chin and threatens him.

They start to hear the bush next to them and (Y/n) panics.

"Is it, ruffians, thugs? Have they come for me?!" (Y/n) shouts as she climbs on Leo's back as protection, as Mikey gets in a protective stance in front of them.




And out pops a bunny from the bush.



"Stay calm. It can probably smell fear."

"Oh, sorry." (Y/n) exclaims as she gets off his back and Mikey stands back upright.

"Guess I'm just a little bit jumpy." (Y/n) smiles as Leo thinks to himself again.

"Probably best if we avoid ruffians and thugs, though." Leo says, smiling, coming up with a new plan.

"Yeah, that'd probably be best." The girl said as she smiled.

"Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch." Leo said as he tried to redirect their attentions.

"Where?" Mikey asks with a bit of a glare.

"Oh, don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it." Leo grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and started pulling her in a different direction, with Mikey in tow.


Back in the forest, near the tower, Raph was looking high and low for his thief of a brother, when he heard a bush shake.

He hides behind a rock and bush that looks surprisingly like him, and scares the person who comes out from behind the bush.

But, the person wasn't who he was looking for.

"Oh. . . Hi, sorry for bothering you, Ma'am. I'm just looking for someone."

But, Big Mama panics, thinking that the young guard in front of her, is looking for her two 'children' and runs back to the tower, leaving the guard confused where he stood.

As she reaches the tower, she calls out for the teens.

"(Y/n)! Let down your hair!"



Not seeing or hearing any response from either of them, she goes around the back of the tower and starts tearing off the wall, leading to a staircase that leads to the top of the tower.

She opens the trap door and calls out for them again, looking for both of them frantically all over the tower.

Once she realizes that they are no longer there in the tower, she panics, thinking where they could have gone when her peripheral vision catches the glare of something under one of the stair boards.

She nears toward it and takes the board off, and picks up the satchel, opens it, and looks inside to find a tiara, fit for a princess.

Realizing what it is, she drops it in shock and backs away from it as if it's poisonous.

Big Mama digs inside the bag, looking for anything that would help her find the teens, and finds a poster with a mutant's face on it, going by the name of Lee Jitsu, wanted dead or alive.

Noticing this, she stands up and walks toward a drawer, pulling out a knife and walks back out of the tower.

~ I am writing a bit more and not procrastinating :) ALSO, Happy late Valentine's Day AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME TODAY!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I wanted to get this out Valentine's Day but I wasn't able to, so I pushed it back to my birthday. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one.

Vee Out :) 

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