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"Heheheehe!" Douma leaps through the air, his cape that goes with his costume. His fangs are out freely and he can only giggle at the thrill this full moon night can bring.

It was finally that time of year again. The time when he can truly be himself and let loose on his control.

He had actually come back from his meal for the night.

Now he can have his true fun for the night.

He lands heavily on the rooftop before jumping down into the alleyway. The demon licks his fangs clean of blood and pops a disgusting-tasting mint. It however was important.

His clawed hands reach out and grab at the waist of his beloved.

Kotoha having been talking to Kyojuro and Koyuki screeches before laughing as Douma twirls her. Her dress flares out before he lets her down and turns her so they can hug.

She was Lisa and he was Dracula from Castlevania. Oh, how ironic it was.

Akaza was watching him closely only for Kyojuro and Koyuki to drag him off in order to make it to the party. Douma can only kiss his love's ear before taking her arm .

The eras following the Taisho era, Muzan would find the advancement in technology more progressive in his search for the blue spider Lilly.

Kokushibo would however summon the Kizuki when a disturbing development was made in 1945.

Muzan had nearly been destroyed by the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. His cells were almost eradicated completely by the human-made sun.
Luckily he was only in the radiation area. Meaning he now had to battle with the radiation his cells had absorbed.

Douma nearly laughs at the situation his head knocked off by Akaza as his mouth opens.

For the next decade or so, their lord became weak as his cells became cancerous and he had to constantly ripe his own organs and toss them into the sun.

He would swallow up the weaker demons and this is where things became concerning.

He didn't make new demons.

Douma missed being able to talk to the new demons but he didn't mind the extra territories that opened up.

Slayers became less and less till only the Hashira were left, becoming more family business from what Douma can tell.


Then Kotoha returned.

Douma had just hunted down a group of college students when he nearly fell head over heels upon seeing Kotoha.

It took many weeks but that first few dates solidified his love.

His cult had long since become nothing when he began his courtship.

Akaza would join him in trying to challenge him for another fight.

He however ends up in a love triangle of sexual tension between the two education major students known as Koyuki and Kyojuro.

Douma had a music major and oh how she made his heart sing.

Douma purrs to the beat, his cape twirling at each move of his hips. His arm was locked around her, never wanting her to go far from his side.

Especially with the scents of many hot-blooded individuals that would just eat her up. Already he had to make a few men trip over their feet. Some women he simply directed to others but made note of the aggressive ones that may make a good meal later on.

They would make it back to her apartment and he can only purr in his chest as he strips away the layers to show the true her underneath. No matter how shy she was he reassured her that she was his beloved.

Douma would celebrate Christmas with her along with Akaza and his two love interests.(He has a bet with Gyutaro and Daki on which he will stick with and for how long.)

Douma would tilt his head when he is handed a lightbox. He easily rips the wrapping and his Kotoha blushes.

For a moment because he is still learning many things about these newer ages, he didn't know what he was holding.

Then he actually read the lettering.

It takes him no time at all to hug his love and cry out what a wonderful gift she has given him.

It would be a few months but they would be welcoming a baby into the fold.

The Rainbow Eyed Devil & His Songbird (+18)Where stories live. Discover now