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season 1 episode 1"pilot"

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season 1 episode 1

Raina slowly walked up to the crime scene with two cups of coffee in her hands. "Hey Joe."

Joe turned around as a smile grew on his face. "Hey." He pointed towards one of the coffee cups. "Is that for me?"

"It will be if Barry doesn't hurry up." Raina sighed as she looked around.

Joe grabbed the coffee cup and took a sip of it, leaving Raina in shock. "You should know Barry's not gonna make it in time. He never does."

Raina sighed as she looked around. "Where's Chyre?"

"Called out today, so it's just you and me?"

The young girl smiled. "What happened here?" She nodded towards the crime scene.

Joe looked at the bank. "Second robbery this week." Raina listened as she took a sip of her coffee. "The teller I.D.'d Clyde Mardon as the shooter."

Raina groaned. "The Mardon brothers are back?" Joe nodded as they walked towards Captain Singh. "I hate those guys."

"What do we got?"

Joe handed Singh pictures of the brothers. "Perps took the bank, shot out the cameras, and as a chaser, killed the security guard over there." Joe pointed to the body cover by a sheet.

Raina looked at the body with sorrow.

"I got UNIS kicking in doors of known Mardon Brothers associates."

"CSI been over it?" Singh looked at the scene.

Joe and Raina looked at each other. "Uh, no."

Singh sighed. "Where's Allen."

"I'm sure he has a reason." Joe looked at Raina then back to Singh.

"You can't keep covering for him." Singh was now annoyed. "Both of you." Raina lightly smiled before turning her head away. "If he's not here now, I'm gonna have to carry on this investigation without him."

Barry ran up to the group panting. "Sorry I'm late, Captain Singh."

"What was it this time, Mr. Allen?" Singh looked at Barry more annoyed. "Did you forget to set your alarm clock?" Barry shook his head. "Before you answer, I should remind you the excuse you gave me last time was car trouble." Raina lightly chuckled as she also remembered. "Want to know why that one was particularly memorable?"

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