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season 1 episode 2"fastest man alive"

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season 1 episode 2
"fastest man alive"

Raina looked around Staggs industry looking for Barry and Iris. She wore a nice long silky black dress that fitted her well along with black high heels and her hair was slightly curled. She still looked around the room until she stopped and noticed Barry and Iris standing up close to the stage watching Simon Stagg as he spoke.

"Hey." Raina walked up to the two catching their attention.

Iris smiled at the girl , Barry doing a double take. "Hey, what took you so long." Iris asked.

Raina sighed. "Sorry I had to meet Singh before I left and I was trying to find this dress." Raina looked up at Barry.

"You look beautiful Rain." Barry smiled at the girl as she lightly blushed.

"Thanks, Allen." Raina smirked at Barry playfully punching his arm then turned to Simon Staggs as he spoke. Barry's smile drop as he looked down at his shoes in slight embarrassment.

"I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University to be standing before you now, the regents choice for man of the year." Simon looked at his award.

"Probably voted for himself... twice." Raina whispered making Iris let out a small laugh and Barry to roll his eyes jokingly.

"While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." Simon raised the award up high as people began to cheer.

"Okay, first things first..." Barry sighed as the three of them turned around walking away from the stage. "Simon Stagg's work in cellular clothing has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement..."

Iris grew excited as she grabbed two drinks and handed them to Raina and Barry and then one for herself. "Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?"

"Okay." Barry let out another sigh. "If you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration." Barry grabbed the drinks and put them back on the tray.

Raina looked at Barry sad. "I wanted that." Barry rolled his eyes grabbing the drink back and handing it to Raina. "Thanks Bar." She happily took a sip.

"I have missed this, guys." Iris smiled at the group as they walked around. "I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from your comas."

Barry nodded. "Yeah, we've had some crazy few weeks, I know."

"I thought maybe you'd been avoiding me because of Eddie." Iris looked at the two fiddling with her fingers. "I know you two think it's wrong, me dating my Dad's partner, and I just-"

Raina let out a small laugh as she waved her hand at Iris. "I don't. If you think he's the one then he's the one." Raina slightly looked at Barry not making it noticeable.

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