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 season 1 episode 2 "fastest man alive"

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season 1 episode 2
"fastest man alive"

Raina walked into Barry's lab with two coffee cups in her hands. "Hey Bar." The boy smiled at her as she placed down his cup.

"Hey Rain," He grabbed the cup off the table and took a sip. "Thanks for the coffee."

Raina let out a scoffed. "I didn't buy it my new partner did." She looked at the evidence on the table. "Real pain in my ass, smoking hot but still a pain." Barry looked down at his computer jealous of the man he hasn't seen yet.

He walked over to another table as Joe walked in. "Come to yell at me again?" His voice slightly annoyed.

"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night." He handed Barry a paper. Raina walked over to the two feeling a strong tension between them. "The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer." Joe began walking out. "See if you can find a match."

Barry looked at the paper. "Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Raina tried to looked over Barry's shoulder reading the paper

"I'm going to interview Stagg now." Joe looked back at Barry.

"I'll come with you." Barry started to follow Joe.

Joe pointed at Barry. "Your job is in here. Stay in here and do it." Joe looked at Raina. "Raina, you can come with me."

The brunette sighed before following after Joe and Iris walked in.

"Hey, Dad." She looked behind Joe seeing Raina. "Hey, Raina."

Joe kissed Iris's forehead. "Hey, baby." Raina waved as they walked out. "We gotta go."

Raina stood silent for a few seconds as she walked next to Joe afraid he might snap at her. "You can ask, Raina." He turned to the girl.

Raina let out a fake laughed. "What are you talking about?" Joe stopped and glared at her. She let out a sigh dropping her head then looked back up at him. "Why are you so mad at Barry, he's just trying to do something good."

Joe started walking again Raina right beside him. "He is doing something good."

"As a CSI." Raina cut Joe off. "If I were in his shoes I would be doing the same thing, because he can actually save people's lives instead of avenging them." Joe let out a sigh. "I've never seen Barry this excited since he first started his job here."

"It's bad enough that you're doing this superhero thing, but Barry has no experience in the field like you." Joe looked down at the girl.

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