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season 1 episode 1"pilot"

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season 1 episode 1

Barry and Raina were walking back to Jitters "Are you sure you're ok?" Barry looked at Raina concerned.

"Yes, Bar." Raina turned to Barry a smile on her face. "If it wasn't for my super regenerating." She elbowed Barry in his side.

"Ok, ok." Barry began smiling. "But take it easy next time."

Raina nodded. "Of course-"

Barry looked at Raina confused. "What's wrong?"

"That." Raina pointed at Iris kissing Eddie outside of Jitters. Iris smiled at Eddie but quickly drops when she looks over to a shocked Raina and Barry. "Oh, Joe is going to kill her."


Iris, Raina and Barry were walking the streets of Central City.

"You can't tell my Dad." Iris turned to Raina and Barry. "He doesn't know about me and Eddie."

"Doesn't seem like anyone's in on the secret." Barry glanced at Iris.

Raina smiled. "I had a feeling." Iris looked at Raina shocked. "Oh, please it was the way he talked to you."

Iris let out a chuckle. "I was gonna you guys." Iris sighed. "When you were in the hospital, Eddie covered my father's shifts, so that we could both be with you two." Iris explained. "I thanked him with a cup of coffee, and things just kind of happened." A smiles grew on Iris face as she looked to her friends. "And it's good."

Barry rolled his eyes. "Dating your partners daughter— isn't that against department regulations?"

Raina scolded Barry. "Why are you so upset Bar?" She pointed to Iris as she walked to her side. "You should be happy for her."

"I mean I am, but-" Barry faced the two. "I just don't like having to lie to Joe, you know?"

The sound of police cars caught the three attention as a police car was pushed by a stolen car. The car started to swerve towards them. Barry grabbed Raina and Iris pushing them to the ground. Raina lifted her hand out as it glowed green stopping the police car from hitting anything. A gushed of wind blew Rainas hair in her face, she quickly moved out the way seeing Barry run after the stolen car.

"Barry?" Raina looked over to a scared Iris. "Rain where did he go?"

Raina helped Iris up. "Stay here, I'll find him." She quickly ran the direction Barry ran. Raina stopped when she saw a car flip multiple times and Clyde Mardon getting out of the car along with Barry not too long after.

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