Chapter 4

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 When Alicia had left, Jeff sat down next to Bianca and took her hand in his.

It will be okay, he said. Whatever happened to you, we are here for you. You are safe here and you can stay here. Maybe Alicia already told you, but we had an accident too, on this ship. My grandfather was only a child then, but he told me stories about it. It was a horrible time, but I think it also brought us closer together. A silver lining in the cloud, I guess.

She looked at him, her gaze vacant. Her hand was still in his, and he assumed she was listening the best she could in her state of shock. They sat in silence for a while, but Jeff didn't want it to linger, and decided it was time to talk about a happier period, how it had been before the accident.

One of his favourite stories was about Dallas, the first captain of the ship. Jeff had read about him and the time he lived in, countless times in the logbook. In truth, they weren't very exciting stories per se. There wasn't much happening at the beginning of Einstein's journey. But just as for Alicia, it was the exact reason he liked those stories and why they kept telling them.

In the meantime, Alicia entered the biosphere and let her eyes adjust to the light. It was a vast space, meant for cultivating their food. But after the accident, as their members declined, it had grown wild, and now looked more like a forest than anything else. She knew it was slowly dying from lack of rain, but it still held on, and she breathed in the smell of nature, plants, and water. As the ship had closed down after the accident, and the power usage had to be minimized, it had also become their home. Their old sleeping halls had closed down, the heating turned off, and the biosphere was the only place on the ship that was still open and alive.

As she stepped in further, people approached her with worry etched on their faces. She knew that as a captain she shouldn't leave the bridge, and coming here unannounced was a sign that something was wrong. Martha, Alicia's aunt and a respected older woman was first to greet her.

Has something happened? she asked.

I found someone on the ship. Her crew had had an accident and she is the only survivor.

A multitude of voices started to talk simultaneously. Is she okay? What has happened to her? What ship?

She's ok, Alicia said. In shock, but ok.

What was she doing in space?, Martha asked.

Alicia looked down.

We don't know yet. She's too much in shock to be asked.

Do you think..?

Martha's voice became a whisper.

That someone is looking for us? Wanting to help us?

Alicia pushed the hope she had to the side, not wanting to presume anything.

We don't know yet.

Martha nodded and took her hand in hers.

Go back to her, she said. Don't leave her alone. We'll talk to her when she's ready.

Alicia nodded and left. She knew they had as many questions as her, but it just had to wait. As she arrived back at the bridge, Jeff was on his second story about Dallas, but he looked up as she entered.

How did it go?, he asked

They know now, it's fine, Alicia said.

He nodded and Alicia turned to Bianca,

I think you'll need to rest. I'll take you to my cabin for now.

Jeff nodded his approval and said that he would take care of the bridge in the meantime. Bianca stood up and Alicia took her hand, leading her out of the bridge.

They walked in silence through the dark corridors, Alicia taking them to another entrance, the one leading to the cabins. She wanted to keep Bianca shielded and not overwhelm her with new faces and people. This way, they would get to the cabin almost immediately, and they could stay there, until Bianca came out of the shock and calmed down.

Now you'll soon see where we live, she said.

She was trying to small-talk, but Bianca didn't seem to notice what she had said, and just kept walking next to her. Alicia shook her head and continued walking.

As they came to the doorway of the biosphere, Alicia stepped in ahead of Bianca, just to make sure there was no-one around. When everything was clear, she beckoned to her to follow and they stepped inside.

Their cabins didn't lay far, and soon they could see them on the hills. It was a building project that had been finished in stages, and different types of wooden cabins spread out over the area.

That's where we are going, she said and pointed towards it.

Again, Bianca didn't seem to notice her, but maybe this time it was because she kept staring at the forest. It was the first time Alicia had seen her reacting to something in her surroundings.

They arrived at Alicia's cabin, a small but cosy place. It was only meant for sleeping, and the rest of their activities and daily life were spent with the other members, in the biosphere. Still, Alicia liked it here, it had a homey feeling to it, and she felt safe staying in her cabin.

She sat down on the bed and gestured to Bianca to do the same. By now Bianca was back to what looked to be a state of shock, and just as in the medical unit, she was serenely watching the room, unaware of anything around her.

Alicia wondered if it was only shock, or if there was something else to it too. One moment Bianca was crying, and the other watching the room calmly, going in between the states faster than anyone she'd seen. She shook her head. They would find out, she guessed.

They sat in silence, any voices from the biosphere too far away to be heard, and Alicia started to feel uncomfortable. Once here in her room, she didn't know what to say or do. Bianca didn't seem to mind, or even notice, the silence. She just kept watching the room calmly, almost vacantly.

So, how are you feeling? Alicia asked.

I'm fine. Bianca replied.

Alicia waited for her to continue, but Bianca had gone back to watching the room.

Once you've rested, I will show you around the ship, she tried.

Bianca only nodded. She couldn't stand it any longer.

Are you hungry? I can bring you some food, she said

Bianca turned to her,

Yes. Thank you, she said

Relieved to have an excuse to go, Alicia stood up and left. She would get some food and also go and talk to Jeff and see what he had to say about it. Maybe he could give some advice.

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