A Lawn of Leaves and Grass - 7

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The best days of the week were the ones where Nina didn't need to head into the shop early. They'd go out for a walk to get breakfast and then come back to do a run around the neighborhood and then a separate walk through the woods in a trail they'd beaten out themselves. Sometimes, Nina would peel off the trail to a small reading nook she created to hang out there until she had to go to work.

Walks with Nina proved, ultimately, some of the most insightful moments of the entire week for Axel. Nina shared everything from the coffee shop on a daily basis yet still somehow had more to talk about when they had their walks. Axel didn't have many observations beyond how people were doing in the neighborhood, which Nina loved to hear about.

She was as in tune with their community as anyone. Kids adored their home during Halloween and Christmas because she went all-in for decorations, making it practically a full-on event for the block whenever the seasons rolled around. She also enjoyed throwing block parties on their driveway in the summertime. To call her a person of the people was purely an understatement.

They rounded the bend back toward their house from their walk but slowed as someone approached them. Neither could believe it.

Approaching, quite upright and with a bit of a bounce in his step, was Geoff. He had a nice little set of clothes on, perfect for gardening. He waved with dirty gloves.

"Geoff," Axel said, "you look great!"

"A bit of R'n'R never hurt anyone, I guess," he said. Even his voice was firmer. Nina gasped a smile.

"This is amazing," she said. "Have you been working the lawn?"

"Unlike some of my competitors, yes I have," Geoff said and rested a hand on Axel's shoulder. "Hideki came by this morning and said I was good to go. And let me tell you..." He hesitated a second, then met Axel's eyes. "Carol would love the work we're doing around the house."

We're doing. Axel almost had to fight back tears himself.

"Having fun?"

"Oh, it's been a blast. Take a look, see? I've managed to trim the hedges a bit in the shape of the house to add a bit of flare."

Geoff walked them over to the house where indeed he'd turn his entire garden and lawn into something of an art show. Each hedge was trimmed uniquely. The lawn was a pristine green, with no marring to it at all, and the mulch was redone, perfectly laid to not interfere with the flowers that almost looked as if they were still somehow blooming despite the powerful presence of autumn.

He showed them around back, where Axel had been working. Much of it was the same as Axel left it, but it was quite clear there were some finer touches done to it as well, bits of perfectionism that Axel didn't quite have the skill for yet. It was an example of one of those things that, at a distance, wouldn't mean all that much, but up close made all the difference. Fountains were running and operating such that they created an immediately soothing environment in the backyard as if they'd been synced to turn on as such.

"Well don't I have my work cut out for me out back," Axel muttered, rubbing his chin.

Geoff howled a laugh. "Sure do, champ! You sure do. Better get to it. I've got to trim the tree a bit. The last thing I want is a big wind coming through on Friday and ruining all this."

Axel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, as if you don't have it already in the bag."

"Hey, that new guy that moved in down the street's got it figured out, too. Kind of a miracle, I'll be honest. He got some of that, what is it, starlit land magic?"

Nina and Axel laughed nervously and made nothing of it.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Nina said.

"You couldn't have waited a bit to get out of bed, though?" Axel asked. "Like, until Sunday?"

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