Fourth String - 6

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Sundays—during football season—were a haven. A place to just relax on the couch and let all other worries subside until around midnight when the last whistle blew in the night game. While the group often gathered to watch games, on the off-chance they didn't, Nina didn't even need to be watching the games to truly enjoy her soothing Sunday.

The upcoming one loomed, a dark cloud suspended just over the horizon in a way that promised nasty weather.

Nina woke Saturday thinking only of her conversation with Sarzo. She stepped onto their deck, her robe flowing in the early morning wind, and observed the forest, one holding the splinter keeping the power between worlds mostly in check. The ticket to getting rid of Sarzo was so close. Nina could almost see it from her house.

Yet the method felt just so far away. Not hopeless. Never hopeless.

But eleven other women were in danger. Yaya, Brittany, and Veronica's babies were in danger. Nina folded her arms and closed her eyes.

Wood creaked behind her, alerting her to Axel's presence.

"I'm supposed to be the brooding one."

"I'm thinking. Not brooding."

Nina opened her eyes. Axel stood next to her, his hair still a tussled mess from sleeping. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"The girls are going to come over tomorrow for the game," Nina said. "Cool?"

"Sounds good. Need help with anything?"

The question was asked innocently enough that Nina knew Axel was talking about getting the house ready, like with snacks or organizing things.

"I guess, if you don't mind, bringing down some chairs or places to sit tomorrow. I'll handle getting all the stuff today, I don't like being in a rush on Sunday morning."

"No problem." He rested a hand on her shoulder. "That's it?"

"Thanks," Nina said, smiling warmly at her husband. "I can take it from there. How have you been, how was the end of your week?"

"Oh, it was alright. I found Bethany downstairs Thursday morning and helped her get back home, that was kind of funny. Oh! I helped the boys next door fix their bikes. They crashed them together."


"Might've been my fault a little bit."

Nina nodded. "I'd rather not know. Please take better care of them. Brittany's got enough on her mind."

"I know, I know," he said, quieter. "But they did have fun."

"I'll tell everyone to get here before kickoff, is that okay?"

Axel nodded. "I'll be home for most of the day. I'm going to shop for Linda's Christmas present today, know, that'll keep me busy."

It sounded like a joke but was the farthest thing from it. Axel used to spend an entire week solely attempting to figure out what to get his little sister for her birthday and Christmas. Lately, he'd been able to get it down to a single day, but it was a full, involved day of indecisiveness.

Nina got her day started after a long shower, letting the warm water wash away the dreadful memory of seeing Sarzo the previous day. It also helped her forget that her car was still stuck at work—even jumping the battery hadn't worked. Curses sucked.

She walked to the supermarket since she didn't have an energy ball there to teleport with. Thankfully, she could use it to get home.

Nina had everyone's allergies, few thought they were, memorized, and came instinctually what to get everyone as she shopped, since most were recurring items. She made her way through the maze of the supermarket minding her own business, losing herself in the excitement of seeing everyone again, even if they, too, were dreading it.

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