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Life was a movie in which we humans were described as mere characters trying to live through it. We all had different roles assigned to us from birth, but there were situations in life that forced us to break out of character, to change our birth gifted roles.

Meet Anika and Arya, two sisters who in picture were identical but aside from their appearance, they two shared nothing in common –well nothing except their dark past. The two sisters had their life planned by birth but everything changed on a dark autumn day.

The sisters went from living a beautiful childhood full of rainbows, butterflies and candies to a world where the light turned to darkness, a world were there wasn't space for candies nor butterflies.

The girls were thrown into a world that handed them a gun instead of dolls. A world where only the strongest of all could survive, a world where your enemy could be your greatest ally, a world where blood was the key to survival.

Anika and Arya were forced into the darkness; they didn't chose that world, the world was forced upon them. Their innocence was ripped out of them and so as was their childhood.

They were taught that the only way to survive this world was to follow ten simple rules.

If you want to eat, fight.

If you want to survive, kill.

If you want a roof over your head, work.

You should always keep your enemies close.

Blood is all that matters.

Never disobey the rules.

Never betray blood.

Never look at the Don in the eyes.

Don't try running.

Do not break OMERTA.

Those ten rules where written for all the girls' safety, but there was a trick to those rules. Sometimes, just sometimes OMERTA was meant to be broken.

The question was who broke the OMERTA, Anika or Arya? And why are they pointing fingers at Arya?

And if Arya is innocent as she claimed, why did she break rule number nine? Why did Arya run?

Well, her running on her own wasn't a good idea as the gun's tip was now pointed at her twin sister Anika.

"Where is your sister mi bella?"

"I don't know."  Tears dropped onto her swollen-bruised cheeks.

The man's grip on her midnight jet black hair tightened, inciting a scream out of the bloodied female's lips. Anika was exhausted from all the torture she had gone through the past two days. She was surprised of how she could still breathe, but wasn't surprised of how she could barely see anything around her, thanks to her swollen eyes.

"Fucking bitch speak before I kill you!"

He slammed his gun on her cheek as he yelled out in frustration. Anika's head fell at the impact. Although her entire face was numb, she felt the hot liquid on her cheek, as she felt the new cut form on her skin.

"Non lo so.......Non lo so...Non Lo S-" her screaming was ceased with a bullet into her chest. She froze the second she felt the warm piece of metal pierce through her flesh. It was sharper than a knife and hot as fire. She didn't scream, nor did she yell.

"You're dying for your sister, Anika." -was the last thing she heard before succumbing to her early death.

While Anika was dying, Arya her runaway twin was in a dark room, with her hands and legs chained, while her eyes were covered with a thick cloth.

One sister was dying while the other was held captive by who someone who's still in the dark. How did Arya end up in a room that resembled those dungeons,  where prisoners were caged in during the reign of King Arthur? Arya was said to be the smartest twin but her recent decisions where what landed her where she currently was.

"You thought you were smart right?" The voice belonged to a figure whose face was hidden by the darkness of the room; his voice dripped of pure venom as he spoke.

"What happened, smart mouth? Cat got your tongue?"

While Anika was calculative, Arya was impulsive, she didn't think twice before speaking out her mind, so such taunt she couldnt go by ignoring it.

"Fuck you!" She groaned.

"Gladly! But before I fuck you Arya, we need to talk about OMERTA." Arya froze at the mention of Omerta; she thought she had left that behind when she ran away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She feigned dumbness, something the man didn't appreciate.

"I don't tolerate such attitudes Arya, so I'll give you one last chance to speak."

"Fuck you!" The sound of gun charging clicked, and that didn't go unnoticed by the tied up lady.

"You have three seconds to speak before you join your sister in the afterworld." The threat did it's job as the young girl's head snapped upwards.

"What did you say about my sister?" She felt the palpitation of her heart increase; it was as if her ear was pressed on her chest and no matter what she did, she couldn't ignore her heart.

"Wanna join her in hell, beautiful?" And that was all it took for her to lose consciousness; after all, she might be the stubborn sister, but the strongest had always been Anika.

The man walked up to the unconscious girl and ripped off the cloth from her eyes.

"What Im I going to do with you Arya?" He sighed.


Unlikely Allies: A Sisters-Mafia TaleWhere stories live. Discover now