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Close your eyes and pray for a miracle



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It was one of those days when the need to kill my sister was stronger than my need to drink coffee which wasn't something to take for granted, as my relationship with coffee was the best to be described as an addiction.

I didn't have breakfast this morning which was the first route to my caffeine deprivement so, I decided to get a cup of coffee on our way back home. But, like every single time for the last twenty-two years of my life, Arya decided to ruin my plans.

Why couldn't she use her car? I'm not sure why, but she is making me wait in the middle of nowhere at 9:56 p.m, which wasn't something I had envisioned.

My fingers where drumming the steering wheel as I waited for her majesty to make an appearance. I swear there are times when I wanted to smack her ugly face with my car's window and watch in slow motion, how the skin and crystal contact exploded; I'd pay to see that.

A smile spread across my face at the image.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Ahh!" I screamed while the self-proclaimed clown of my sister burst out laughing. I ceased my screaming and glared at her still laughing face.

"It's not funny!" I groaned as I unlocked the doors, allowing her access into the car.

"Yes, it was and you know it." I rolled my eyes at her and started the car.

"Did you just come out of the woods Arya?" I changed the topic and I noticed her whole body tense at the very second.


"Arya?" She diverted her attention everywhere but me.

"Arya." I gritted between my teeth.

"Yes, my darling sister?" she bit back with just as much venom as I did.

"Be careful with the games you play." She rolled her eyes at my statement. I watched her as she brought out her phone out the purse and started texting.

"Keep your eyes on the car, Anika." I sighed in defeat, you could never win with this girl.

"You know, I'm just looking out on your safety right?" I side glanced her, and I once again noticed her eye-rolling directed towards me.

"Stop being a cold fish Anika. You act as if you're my mother, when we both are exactly of the same age!"

"If you don't want me acting like this, think twice before doing things, Arya." She scoffed at my words; what a bitch.

"You can as well close your eyes and pray for a miracle." She spoke with such bitterness that even my tongue felt sour for a second.

I sighed in defeat and continued driving.

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