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A gun is a woman's best friend while

money is her...

Alter ego;



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The first gunshot rang through my ears, followed by the screams. I briefly closed my eyes savoring the feeling of desperation as fear laced in each scream.

I loved it.

Ever since I learned how to shoot, I enjoyed the feeling of a trigger in my hands; it made me feel mighty and unbeatable. It gave me some type of power that some may refer to as evil but I call it respect.

The ability to incite fear in people's soul with just a click on my gun gave me a type of pleasure that not even sex could compare to, it was divine.

I stared at my blood tainted 9-millimeter pistol, a sardonic smile kissing at the tip of my lips. I raised the beautiful black gadget in my hand; I could feel the adrenaline rush into my blood as I once again charged the trigger.

"You have ten seconds to answer my question, Julian." I placed the tip of the gun at the center of his thighs, right where lies the fate of his next generation.

"You know, I would have enjoy spending some quality time with you, but I guess fate had chosen different paths for us." I leaned closer to his neck, my lips slightly brushing his earlobe.

"Don't you think?" I drawled. I felt him tense at my words and to add more effect, I placed a ghost of a kiss, on the skin between the cheek and the ear.

"I will tell you everything, mio amore." he purred in my ears and placed his hands on my butt. I turned my attention at his moronic face.

Julius Karious was handsome but he lacked a backbone, which was why he started spilling their organization's secrets to a girl he had only seen two times. He was an easy prey since he was closer to his animalistic instincts, which was mating.

The minute I saw him, I figured a few kisses here and there and he would start singing.

Turns out I wasn't wrong at all!

"Thank you very much for the information Julius, you were of great help." I tried getting off his lap but he only tightened his grip on my arse.

"You are going nowhere without me getting a taste of you." He snapped, I noticed his eyes split into two, fury and lust fighting for dominance but I wasn't bordered, no; I was ecstatic.

This was about to get interesting, just how I loved it.

I placed my hands around his neck bringing him closer to my face. He licked his lips at my actions, I proceeded to pick up my arm from the desk behind his head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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