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Blood's not always carnal relatives



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"What are you going to do with the birthday planning?" I stared at Camilla who was busy, applying a coat of mascara to her lashes.

"The event planner already has everything under control Cam, just relax. You know how I roll right?" I smirked at her knowingly.

"Only the best of the best!" I bragged. I couldn't deny the fact of how lucky I was. I would be turning twenty-one in a week and to say I was happy would be an understatement. I was ecstatic to say the least.

"What about the invitations?" She asked as she followed me out of my bedroom.

"I haven't thought about it. We could write down the guest list while we eat." We took the elevator to the first floor, a goofy smile on our lips.

"Well hello your majesties, glad to see you took it upon yourselves to join us commoners." I rolled my eyes and joined them around the large table.

"You peasants can't understand the hard work behind our-" Camilla's words were cut short at the sound of someone's laughter. The hair on my back tensed as I watched her and that thing make their way into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Her laughter ceased at my words and I noticed how that thing moved behind her to hide. Good.

"How does it concern you?" She frowned, her brows narrowing at me. The entire kitchen was silent, everyone watched her movement closely. My sister had that effect, always ruining the happiness of others with her dirty aura.

I can't help being disgusted by the fact that such a human being was related to me by blood, but like they said, Blood's not always carnal relatives; and that is Camilla to me.

Camilla was whom I knew as a sister while the witch in front of me was just a pest who happened to have cloned my face, nothing else.

"Those marks suit your face," I smirked as I knew my words would most likely affect her; and just like always, it did affect her. The smile on her face instantly vanished and I smiled in triumph.

I hated that bitch.

"Do you want cereal?" She asked the thing beside her. The boy was absolutely gorgeous; that's one thing anyone will agree with. You would immediately fall in love with the kid even if it was the first time you saw him.

Valentino had penetrating blue eyes and looked like an angel but, for us who knew who brought him up and how his own father threats him, it was only natural that we all despised the little being.

My sister was a witch and so, that thing perambulating around her must certainly be one too.

"Yeah!" Valentino cooed.

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