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It's just pain, nothing else; I can live with it.



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"So, now you remember him?" The voice rumbles in my head as I stare at the angel standing in front of me, with teary, bloodshot eyes. His cheeks were swollen and red. I bit down my lips when I saw a handprint on his cheek.

"Who the fuck did I assign the duty to take care of that thing?" I sucked in a breath at the clear insult. I wanted to stand up and curse him out for calling Valentino a thing, but I've already learnt my lesson from that, so I kept my mouth shut.

"That thing hasn't been eating for almost twenty-four-hours and I'm surprised he's still breathing!" He scoffs. "The pop's been crying all night wanting you. You left your responsibility which was him to go whoring around, huh?" Valentino ran towards me and I immediately took him into my arms.

"You're just a stupid and worthless hoe. I gave you a job to look over that thing for me, but you fucking made him sleep with an empty stomach." He continued while I hugged Valentino, whose little arms were already wrapped around my neck. His sobs fell in my clothes as I held strong onto him. I didn't want to let go as I knew- the second I do, I would finally receive my punishment.

"Arya, take the boy out of her hands." He commands in a cold voice. "Dante my whip-" Hearing his words, I pushed myself backwards with Valentino in my arms until my back hit the wall next to the front door.

"No!" I screamed as I refused handing the boy to my sister.

"Just let him go, dammit! He's not even your son! Let go you fool!" She hissed while trying to get Valentino out of my grasp. I wasn't letting it happen and nor did Valentino, as his grip on my neck tightened.

I was so immersed on not wanting to let him go, that by the time I heard the sound it was too late.

He hit him.

"NO!" I screamed as the whip contacted my angel's back. Arya was no longer in front of me but Leandro; he was fuming as he held the whip upwards, ready to smack once again. But then I turned around, with my back facing him while I cupped Valentino into my chest.

I bit my lip as I stopped myself from screaming each time the whip collided with my skin. It felt as if the whip was molded with fire. It was that type of pain which ripped the scream out of you; it was burning and stinging like hell the farther it went, and all I could do was take it.

He kept increasing his pace until I couldn't hold on anymore and I screamed. The feeling of metals piercing through my skin made me aware enough that he had changed the weapon. The weapon he only reserved for a special person. He said it is a weapon reserved for me.

If I wasn't in such pain, I would've thought about the fact that he used it here in front of everyone and not up there. It was a weapon he used whenever I didn't comply to his orders.

Unlikely Allies: A Sisters-Mafia TaleWhere stories live. Discover now