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If you fall, we fall together



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"Why did he allow himself to die though? He could have easily gotten out of there." I gagged as I stared at the  burnt corpse.

"He doesn't seem like someone who had a choice in the topic." I furrowed my brow in confusion as I looked at my sisters re-found confident self.

"I thought you've gone mute, perhaps." She glared at my comment but I simply smiled at her. I just wanted to lighten the mood, but I guess I forgot it's Arya, we are talking about here.

"Fuck off, Ana!" I rolled my eyes at her obvious sour mood; it's not as if I wasn't used to it by now.

"Come on, it was just a joke! And you were frozen for a second there so-"  I shrugged as I followed her retrieving figure. There was no need of trying to search for anything inside that vehicle; it was as if they had filled the car with Kerosene beforehand.

Arya was right. The man didn't stand a chance out of that car; I bet he was threatened to do that, but I'm curious of what might have been the prize for such a suicidal act?

"How are we going to get home?" I ask.

"Obviously not by standing in the middle of the road, right?" I grimaced as I could feel the bitterness of her tone.

"What's gotten in your pants, hot sis? It's not like we haven't been in situations- ten times worse than this one!" I huffed, walking up to her.

She mumbled something underneath her breath. I tried picking out her words but the distance and the low tone in which she spoke refrained me. The only way I could hear her, would be if I were a werewolf, which would've been cool. But yeah, I'm stoked being a mere mundane, already.

"Why the fuck are you so happy?" She grumbled out and her question made me pause. Thinking about it, she was right; not that I'm always grumpy or anything in that form, I would normally keep my mouth shut and only speak when needed –and it finally clicked.

I ran up to her with a wide smile on my face.

"What?" she asked, looking at me as if I had grown two heads all of the sudden.

"It's because this was the very first time you and I had slept in the same roo –well floor!" I gestured around us.

"What are you even saying, we live in the very same house Anika, ugh." She's so unbearable at times.

"Yeah, but you sleep in your room; a floor beneath mine and remember? You never invited me to your sleepovers."  I bounced forward happily, leaving her behind.

"I told you before we might be sisters but we aren't friends. My sleepovers are only for me and my friends."  She spat. "You know damn well that stepping a foot inside my room would have bad-" I rolled my eyes at her grumpiness.

Unlikely Allies: A Sisters-Mafia TaleWhere stories live. Discover now