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King Ornova and Princess Arabella sat side by side upon their thrones, two grand chairs sculpted from solid white marble. Moonlight streamed through a window behind them, casting its gentle glow across the vast hall.

Arabella's dark navy gown cascaded gracefully to the floor, a cape that draped elegantly from her shoulders, its deep cut revealing a glimpse of her back. Adorned with celestial motifs, tiny stars danced amidst the folds of the dress. Her hair, styled into soft curls, framed her face, while atop her head rested a majestic crown, each point of the crown bore a gold star. Concealed beneath her attire, her lightsaber remained at her side.

King Ornova had implemented an "open door" policy throughout his kingdom, inviting townsfolk to directly address their concerns and troubles with him in the hopes of finding resolution and aid. This weekly ritual was something Arabella loathed, not due to a lack of care, but because it consumed hours of her time. She could think of numerous other activities to occupy herself with: practicing her lightsaber skills, delving into a good book, or indulging in a relaxing bubble bath—her mind began to wander.

"It's too quiet tonight, isn't it?" her father's voice interrupted her reverie.

She sighed, sitting up straight and scanning her surroundings. "Perhaps people have better things to do," her sass dripped from her tongue.

Arabella hadn't divulged to her father the encounter she had in the maze with the mysterious figure. She knew he would be angry for her disobedience, especially since she had instructed soldiers not to follow her. Moreover, she sensed her father's unease over the past few days—her dreams, the unidentified ship they had yet to uncover, and now this man, appearing so close that their hands had almost touched.

"Arabella, one day you'll have to assume these responsibilities too," warned King Ornova.

"Can't wait," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

He glanced at his daughter, who was now focused on her hands, idly smoothing over a star on her dress. Ornova sighed inwardly; as much as he adored Arabella, her moody temperament, inherited from her mother, sometimes grated on his nerves.

"Perhaps we should call it a night," King Ornova announced to the soldiers on duty.

They bowed respectfully and began to file out of the castle, preparing to secure the gates and close the doors. He remained seated, waiting for his daughter to speak or perhaps indicate her relief that the ordeal was over and she could retire to her quarters.

"You've been unusually quiet today," he observed, curious about Arabella's subdued demeanor.

Arabella's brown eyes met his; she wanted to confide in her father. There was never anything she hid from him, especially when it genuinely concerned her. But before she could voice her thoughts, heavy footsteps echoed in the hall.

There he stood: the mysterious masked man from her dreams, no longer a mere apparition but a tangible presence. She felt her father tense beside her.

"Kylo Ren," her father's voice greeted the figure warmly.

Arabella's heart raced with panic. The man she had seen in her dreams, the one who had observed her and whose hand she had touched just a few nights ago, was none other than the tyrant responsible for atrocities across the galaxy. Though she had heard of the deeds of the First Order and Ren, she never imagined he would be here, now.

What did it mean? Arabella wondered. What could the First Order want with Cosmara? Were they here to invade, or worse, to destroy the planet?

"I suspected you landed here a few days ago; my commanders were unable to locate you," King Ornova remarked in a friendly tone.

"The three waterfalls on the east side of the castle," Kylo Ren revealed.

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