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With a jolt of panic, Kylo woke up, his breath catching in his chest as he surveyed his surroundings. Arabella was nowhere to be found. She had deceived him, exploiting his vulnerability by using the Force to induce unconsciousness. Rage coursed through him, a sense of betrayal clawing at his insides.

Navigating his way to a TIE ship, he punched in the coordinates for Kef Bir, where the remnants of the Death Star II lay. The memory of Rey reciting those coordinates moments before her escape from the hangar seared into his mind.

A fool, Kylo mused bitterly, to have believed someone would stand by his side. Neither his mother nor his father had done so; why would she? And now, it had led him to this moment. The familiar sensations of being under Snoke's control resurfaced—weakness, fear, anger—threatening to consume him. The worst part was the uncertainty surrounding Arabella's intentions.

Upon docking his ship, Kylo sensed Arabella's presence amidst the wreckage. Her voice echoed through the chaos, the crashing waves adding to the eerie ambiance. Silently, he made his way out, hoping to catch them off guard.

"Go go go," Rey's voice pierced the air.

Arabella and Rey stumbled backward, startled, as Arabella accidentally dropped the Sith finder. It tumbled down, coming to a stop right at Kylo's feet. He stooped to pick it up, inspecting it closely. Arabella regained her composure, swiftly standing beside Rey, both frozen in surprise.

The sound of Rey igniting her saber pierced the silence, its hum filling the tense air. Kylo and Arabella locked eyes, a silent exchange of emotions passing between them. Rey took a few determined steps forward, only to be halted by Arabella's outstretched hand.

"What are you doing?" Kylo hissed, his voice laced with betrayal. "You lied to me. You told me you were on my side. You promised me."

"I am on your si—" Arabella started to defend herself, but Kylo cut her off with a wave of anger.

"You've been manipulating me from the start. You always claimed you didn't want to be part of the Dark Force. I should have listened. I should have ended you when I had the chance," his words dripped with regret and frustration.

"Give it to me," Rey demanded, her tone sharp, but Kylo paid her no heed.

"The dark side is in our nature. Whatever you're planning, it ends now," he declared, his gaze falling to the Sith finder in his hand before he crushed it with a swift motion.

"No!" Rey's cry echoed through the wreckage.

With a forceful push, Arabella sent Rey crashing against the wall, rendering her unconscious. Retrieving her saber from its holster, she wielded it with determination, directing its glowing blade towards Kylo. Kylo, torn between his emotions of anger and reluctance, moved fluidly to evade her strikes, unwilling to engage in combat with her.

Amidst the tempestuous storm, the clash of their sabers illuminated the dreary surroundings. Waves crashed against the wreckage, adding a cacophony of chaos to their duel. Arabella's fierce determination matched Kylo's relentless aggression, their conflict mirroring the inner turmoil they both experienced. Kylo meticulously watched his every move, ensuring he did not harm her.

"I am on your side!" Arabella's voice rang out, her soaked hair and attire hindering her movements. "I am doing this for both of us, for you."

"You lied to me!" Kylo retorted, his strike meeting hers with equal force.

"The galaxy cannot endure this darkness any longer," Arabella shouted above the crashing waves. "The dark side must come to an end."

Kylo's saber swung faster, the heat of the hilt intensifying in his grasp. Pressing his attack, he noticed Arabella growing weary, her defenses weakening. No longer attempting to strike him, she panted heavily, flipping through the air and landing on her feet. Despite their conflict, Kylo couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Arabella raised her saber, but before she could strike, Kylo deflected her blow, causing her saber to soar from her grasp. Losing her balance, Arabella collapsed to the ground before him, her chest heaving with exertion. Then, amidst the chaos, Kylo felt a powerful presence calling out to him from beyond.

Pausing for a moment, Kylo pondered the origin of this sensation. His gaze shifted to Arabella, her face contorted with fear, and then to her abdomen. The unborn child within her resonated with a force stronger than anything Kylo had ever felt. Exhaling deeply, Kylo's saber slipped from his grip. Something within him shifted.

Seizing the opportunity, Arabella caught the falling saber, swiftly swinging it towards Kylo's abdomen. As the blade made contact, she too felt the stirring within her. Her breath caught in her throat as Kylo stumbled to the ground. In that moment, amidst the turmoil, all the love, warmth, and innocence she had once felt surged through her.

She gazed down at Kylo, his dark hair clinging to his forehead, his eyes distant as he struggled to regulate his breathing against the searing pain in his side. Arabella's horror deepened as she realized the extent of her actions. Kneeling beside him, her trembling hands reached out towards his injury.

Kylo observed as she closed her eyes, a wave of the Force surging through him, gradually mending the wound and alleviating his agony. He met Arabella's tear-streaked gaze, his eyes scanning her form, ensuring she remained unharmed.

In silence, Arabella watched him, the anger and pain she had harbored dissipating. He felt different—transformed. The darkness that once consumed him was gone, replaced by a sense of peace. The inner conflict that had plagued him vanished, leaving him feeling strangely whole.

Confusion etched across her features, she addressed him tentatively, "Ben?"

He froze, his gaze snapping back to hers, unsure of how to respond. Before he could utter a word, Rey rushed towards Arabella, urging her to her feet.

"We have to go," Rey insisted urgently.

Reaching out, Kylo took Arabella's hand, halting her retreat. She paused, turning to look at him one last time, their connection palpable. Slowly, her hand slipped from his grasp as she followed Rey, disappearing into the ship and leaving him stranded amidst the wreckage.

"I love you," he whispered softly, but his words were lost to the wind as Arabella vanished from sight, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He stood there, a moment of clarity washing over him as the breeze caressed his face. Never before had he felt this profound sense of willingness to change, to break free from the grip of the dark side—for them.

"Hey kid," a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts, sending a shiver down his spine. Ben froze, knowing the significance of that voice all too well. With a clenched jaw, he turned to find his father, Han Solo, standing just a few feet away, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"I miss you, son," Han's words carried a hint of innocence, tugging at Ben's emotions.

"Your son is dead," Ben retorted, his voice trembling with suppressed anguish.

"No," Han whispered, closing the distance between them. "Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive."

Shame washed over Ben as he averted his gaze. He felt it—the stirrings of change within him, ignited by the connection with his unborn child.

"You're just a memory," Ben choked out, his voice thick with emotion.

"No, your memory. Come home," Han pleaded.

Kylo shook his head, his resolve faltering. "It's too late."

"It's never too late. That girl loves you. That child she carries already loves you," Han insisted, his words resonating deeply. "Ben, do it for them. Do it for your mother."

"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it," Ben confessed, his voice wavering.

Han's hand gently cupped Ben's face, mirroring the comforting gesture Arabella had once made. "You do," he assured him.

Ben's tears flowed freely as he looked down at his saber, grappling with his emotions. "Dad," he whispered, overwhelmed by the weight of his decision.

"I know," Han smiled softly.

With a determined nod, Ben tossed his saber aside. When he glanced back, Han Solo had vanished. A sense of clarity washed over him as he realized what he must do. He needed to find Arabella. He needed to end Palpatine. 

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