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The sun's warm embrace enveloped Arabella as she lay sprawled on the grass, her head lolling back in bliss. Her fingers dug into the earth, grounding her in the moment as laughter echoed around her.

Opening her eyes, she caught sight of her husband, engaged in a playful duel with their son, Han, using mock lightsabers. Jade, their daughter, approached stealthily from behind, her own saber poised for a surprise attack. With a theatrical flourish, Ben feigned defeat, collapsing to the ground amidst peals of laughter from their children.

"I bested you, Dad!" Jade's voice rang out, her skills with the lightsaber a testament to her heritage.

"That's not fair!" Han protested, his lower lip jutting out in a pout. "You can't sneak up on your opponent like that. It's playing dirty!"

Jade smirked, her sass reminiscent of her father. "Who said I was playing clean?" she retorted, prompting another round of laughter.

As Han retreated to his mother's comforting embrace, Arabella couldn't help but chuckle, holding her son close. "Maybe you should learn a thing or two from your sister," she teased gently.

"Don't give him any ideas, my love," Ben interjected, taking a seat beside her with a playful grin.

"I'm just trying to help him win for once!" Arabella protested, feigning innocence.

"He's a sore loser," Jade chimed in, joining them and settling into Ben's lap.

"Be nice, Jade," Arabella warned playfully. "And look at your dress! How will you face your grandma looking like that?"

Jade shrugged nonchalantly before snuggling closer to her father, her dark curls cascading around her like a halo, a mirror image of Ben.

Fr a moment, they savored the tranquility, weary from their outdoor escapades. When Arabella wasn't fulfilling her duties as Queen of Naboo, she devoted herself to her children, while Ben assumed the role of their Jedi instructor.

Their life over the past six years had been nothing short of idyllic—filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments shared with friends and family. Arabella leaned her head against Ben's, watching their children play in the distance.

"I love you, Ben," she whispered, her heart overflowing with gratitude.

Ben's response was a simple affirmation, but it held the weight of the galaxy in its sincerity. "I love you too, Arabella."

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