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Arabella's feet trudged through the snow as the Force guided her toward Rey. In the distance, she spotted two figures: Rey knelt beside FN. Approaching slowly, Arabella's presence caused Rey to turn around with a gasp.

Raising her hands in surrender, Arabella whispered, "It's just me." Tears stained Rey's face as she clutched onto her friend. Arabella knelt beside them, inspecting the man. "He's going to be okay."

A blue light appeared, halting a large ship as it landed. Rey gasped, grabbing her lightsaber and rushing toward the ship. Arabella, using the Force, levitated the man's body and guided him towards the ship, handing him over to the Wookie who began ascending the ramp. Rey turned back with a confused gaze.

"I have to go with you. We have to figure out what this is about," Arabella insisted. Rey nodded, making her way to the ship.

Arabella glanced around the forest, her stomach churning. She realized this would be the second planet she called home before its destruction — where she found her true identity, her powers, and where she and Kylo Ren had grown closer. It was a place full of memories. In the distance, a large figure approached, clutching his side.

"Don't do this, Bella," Kylo's voice echoed.

Arabella shook her head, tears streaming down her face as her lightsaber ignited at her side.

"It's the right thing to do, you know it, Kylo," she cried.

"Don't," Ren pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, Kylo... I-" her voice trailed off.

But before she could finish, the ramp closed, and the ship lifted off, carrying her away. Kylo stumbled back, realizing he had this vision months ago when he had just met the princess. It was replaying in front of him as he watched the Millennium Falcon take off.

From a distance, Arabella watched as the planet crumbled into nothing, different ships flying off in separate directions. The Falcon commanded lightspeed, making her stumble. She began walking toward the cockpit where the Wookie and Rey piloted the ship.

"I don't think we've been formally introduced," Arabella murmured, almost afraid of what Rey would think about her. Rey looked up with a forced smile, her eyes full of sadness.

"I'm Rey, and this is Chewie," she said, the Wookie grunting in acknowledgment.

"Arabella Ornova, Princess of-" her voice trailed off. "I'm sorry about what happened back there," Arabella whispered, looking down at her hands in shame.

Rey shook her head. "Thank you for helping my friends."

"No hard feelings?" Arabella asked, extending her hand.

"No hard feelings," Rey agreed, taking the princess's hand. "You're the missing princess right?"

"You can't really be missing if there's not a planet anymore..." Arabella replied with a half-smile.

Rey looked down, feeling empty for Arabella. "Right..."

Arabella shook her head, the half-smile playing on her lips. "But there's still hope. I have so many questions; hopefully, Luke Skywalker will help me."

"Is that why you left Kylo Ren behind? Why you didn't leave with him? " Rey asked, examining Arabella's frown. "Were you guys... a thing?"

"I don't know what we were," Arabella answered awkwardly. "We were something, I suppose..."

Rey nodded, returning her gaze to the front of the ship. Arabella took a seat, closing her eyes, trying to reach out to the Force and find Kylo, but she was unsuccessful.

The ship began approaching a planet surrounded by a ring of rocks.

"Welcome to D'Qar, Princess," Rey smiled.

The ship slowly descended into the grassy mountains, flanked by a long line of runways and other bases, reminiscent of the military base back in Cosmara. Arabella stood, pulling her purple hood over her head, as Rey opened the door, letting the ramp roll down. Outside, roars echoed, causing Arabella's heart to race.

Chewie emerged, carrying Fin in his arms, followed by Rey. Arabella descended the ramp slowly, observing a woman approaching Rey. A pang of sadness washed over her as she watched them interact. The woman's eyes met Arabella's with a gentle gaze before she walked toward her. Arabella hesitated, uncertain of what to say or do.

Studying the woman's face, Arabella felt a sense of familiarity but couldn't place it. The woman reached out, briefly holding Arabella's hand before noticing the First Order emblem on her cape.

"You must be Princess Arabella of Cornova," she said, prompting Arabella to frown, about to speak before the woman interrupted with a smirk. "Princesses know princesses," she whispered. Arabella's eyes widened as she realized who the woman was. "You're Princess Leia," she gasped, recalling reading about her as a child.

"General Organa now," she confirmed. "You were with my son back in Jakku, Han told me."

Arabella's eyes saddened as she remembered what had transpired at Starkiller Base. "General, I'm so sorry—"

"You don't have to apologize for the actions of my son. I'm glad you chose the right path," Leia reassured her.

"He's still good, Kylo—Ben is still good. I can sense it in him. I just need to bring him back to me," Arabella insisted.

"I'm sorry for what happened to Cosmara Princess," Leia pursed her lips, "I know how it feels to have your planet wiped out." Arabella looked down at the ground remembering that General Oragana had lost her planet Alderaan the same way.

"Thank you for understand, General" Arabella's voice was soft. She looked back at Leia with a half smile.

"I'm sorry for everything my son has put you through, you've been through a lot,"

"When I get answers about my past and what my purpose is I will bring back Ben. I give you my word. Snoke doesn't scare me and neither does the first Order" Arabella's voice was confident and full of determination.

Leia nodded in understanding. "I know, now come inside, let's meet everyone, get settled, and take a look at that wound."

As they approached the base, Arabella agreed, noticing her torn dress and the wounds on her arm and leg. Leia wrapped her arm around Arabella, guiding her inside. "There's someone inside who's been waiting for you," Leia hinted with a smile.

Confused, Arabella followed. Inside, amid the bustling activity, Arabella spotted a head of long, blonde hair. Recognition dawned, and tears welled in her eyes as she whispered, "Aria?"

The blonde turned, their eyes locking before they rushed into each other's arms, embracing tightly. "Bella, you're safe," Aria breathed.

"I thought you were dead," Arabella cried.

"I thought the same about you."

"But how?" Arabella asked, pulling back to look at her friend.

"Kylo Ren, he told us a few weeks after you had disappeared to abandon the planet." Aria said cheerfully.

Arabella frowned in confusion, "Kylo..." she looked down at her cape. The one Kylo had gifted her. She was right, the stitching on the cape had been handmade.

"He came into the shop- of course we didn't recognize him at the time, he looked like a normal civilian. He ordered a dark cape like the one my father had made for you. We found it odd but didn't question it at the time. Then he came back to pick it up and asked to put the First Order emblem on and warned us that the planet was no longer safe and we should leave. We figured he was a First Order officer and when he asked for a similar cape something in me told me you were still alive."

Arabella's tears flowed freely. From the beginning, Kylo had cared about her, even saving her best friend. "I'm so glad you're alive," Arabella said, hugging Aria tightly. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Bella. We have so much to catch up on," Aria laughed through her own tears.

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