Detectives Presentation

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              -----Annas POV----
Today was pretty boring, but I have been super anxious all day because last night my mom got mad because of the whole seminary thing, and now I have bruises on my neck and face. The actual bruises don't really bug me that much because it's not uncommon that I end up with brusises and cuts when she gets upset. But normally she is smart enough to leave my face alone so people don't ask questions, but not this time. And now I have to hope no one's says or suspects anything⁴

But she didn't this time so I got up early this morning to try and cover them up, but they just wouldn't cover good

No one's said anything to me luckily but you can definitely tell that they are there. I can't tell if I'm being super paranoid but I feel like people are looking at me weird and laughing

I ignored it and went into my 6th hour science.

"Kids do not take anything out for your bags, and please be respectful to our guests today" my teacher said as I walked in and sat down

A lady with blond hair and a guy with brown hair and bright green eyes walk in

"Hi guys as you can see, we are police, well kind of we are in a special unit called the Intelligence Unit, im ........blah blah blah" that's all I heard

The one kid I think I like is staring at me looking confused

God no I hope he doesn't notice the brusises, who am I kidding of course he has, and now he's going to think I'm a bad kid who gets into fights or something like that

My mind kind of started racing and before I knew it the bell was ringing

"Hey no one leave, I need 2 volunteers to stay and help clean up"

No one raised their hand as they wanted to go home

"Ok fine, I'll pull a name from the jar then"

"Annabelle and Easton, I need you two to stay and help them clean up"

Oh my God, I might actually have to, no get to talk to my crush, considering we are both being forced to stay and help them clean up their presentation that I failed to listen too. I just hope they dont say anything to me, and that they don't notice the brusies.

"Ok, um what do you want me to do" I asked

"Can you guys pack up those pictures on the board and put them in the folder"

"Um sure" we both said at the same time walking over to grab them

"What are your guys names" the blonde lady asked looking at us

"I'm Anna"

"And I'm easton" he said

"Ok, I think that's all of them, anything else you want us to do" Easton asked

"Can you just wipe down the whiteboard and move these desks back please"

We nodded

"Hey Anna, where do these desks even go"

"You think I pay attention enough to know that" I said laughing

"Fair point"

"Let's just put then back there" I said pointing to the back of the room

While we were pushing them over all of a sudden Easton stopped "what happened to your face, theres brusies like all over it" he said completley clueless

"Oh umm" I started trying to come up with and excuse

"Anna, can you come wipe the board and let him finish that, this way no one will miss the bus" Hailey interrupted

God I'm so thankful she did, I don't even know what I would have done otherwise

Then I started wiping the board off

"Anna, you got that?"

"Ya you can go, I'll see you tomorrow"

"See ya" he said waving and then leaving with his backpack

I finished wiping up the board and went over to pack up my notebook and pencil into my backpack

"Hailey, I'm going out to the truck" the brown haired guy said

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute I just want to finish packing up this model" the blonde lady said

"Hey, Anna"

"Yeah what's up?" I asked nervously

"Is everything OK at home? And at school?" She said walking over closer to me

"Um yeah everything's great why" I asked trying to sound convincing

"I just couldn't help but notice the bruises on your face, listen if it's not you can tell me and I can help you you're not in trouble" she said

"Thanks for your concern but seriously I'm fine, is it alright if I go now I don't want to miss the bus"

"Mmhm, but here I do want you to take this" she said handing me what looked like a business card

"What is it"

"It's my card, that Is my work phone number and this is my personal phone number, now if you need anything ever, call me anytime"

"Ok thanks, I'd really better get going"

"Ok, bye anna" she said as I left the room trying not to break down I'm so scared I don't want anyone to mention it again why can't I just be a normal kid I wondered as I sat down on the bus and put my headphones on

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