Sneaking around

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"Yes, yes everything's fine, I'm so sorry, my daughter was just mad because I told her she couldn't go to a party, and she started trashing her room"

"Ok, ma'am is it ok if we step inside just for a few minutes and look around"

"Sure, of course, we just need to stay downstairs my daughter Annabelle's still having a fit and she can get quite violent" i could hear my mom say as they walked into the kitchen

That's when it hit me, they were the detectives that came to my school, her extremely blonde hair and blue eyes and his bright green eyes

I decided it was best to hope my mom just left me alone and I slipped into my closet and retrieved my blade i kept hidden, in a book and slid it across my wrist and instantly the relief flooden over me and i got in bed to try to sleep, I had school in less than three hours now and I've barely gotten any sleep

Then my door creaked open, mabye they insisted on coming upstairs my room was the first one when you came up the stairs so that made sense

"Annabelle? I heard someone whisper

"Hmm" I said now thinking it was one of my little sisters

I sat up and whoever it wad started walking towards me, that's when I remembered the blood that was currently coating my arms

I pulled a blanket around me to cover my arms and turned my lamp on

"Wait who are you and what are you doing here" I said in shock when I realized this was definitely not one of my sisters

"Shh, and I'm Detective Jay Halstead, my partner Hailey is downstairs talking to your mom, but I snuck up here"

"Umm, ok what do you want from me" I said nervously

"Your mom said you had a fit and got pretty violent when she said you couldn't go to a party, but judging by the bruise on your eye I'd say otherwise"

"Oh um, that's old I uh got into a fight at school" I said quickly to try and cover and then I reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear

"Annabelle, are you telling the truth"

"Yes I swear I am" I said tucking my hair behind my ear again

It was a nervous tick I had

"Woah, your arms bleeding really bad" he said in shock

"What um no it isnt, anyways im fine and my moms telling the truth, I was just mad because she wouldn't let me go to the park"

"The park? I thought it was a party" he said

"Um, yeah party, anyhow you can go now everything's good here"

"Ok, fine Annabelle, lets say i believe you. but here's my card if you ever need anything there is my work phone number and personal"

"Oh that's ok, I don't need it" I said

"Ok, sleep well" he said before quietly closing my door

As soon as I saw it shut I started breathing really fast and then all of a sudden I couldn't breathe at all, god a cop had came to my house and they even saw that I cut myself shit what if my mom finds out and no no this can't be happening

         ---A few hours later---
I woke up to my alarm clock confused I guess in the midst of whatever that was last night I passed put.

Oh well it doesn't matter I hurried and got ready for school and then helped my sisters get ready

"Anna, why was mommy yelling last night" my youngest sister Gracie asked me

"Mommy was just upset, sometimes when people get really upset they yell, to make them feel better"

"Oh, it scared me" she said

"Im so sorry gracie"

"Ok, Minnie mouse or rapunzel shirt today?" I asked her

After I got her ready and on the bus to school I started my daily run to school

Normally I could take the bus but if I did I wouldn't be able to get Gracie on her bus. And I dont have to worry about Mable today because she had already been picked up by her best friends mom, but when that didn't happen I would have to walk her to school and then be late for my first hour but it is what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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