Noise Complaint

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I got a little bit of writers block for this chapter but, thanks to @Nana39609 I now know what I'm going to do.

------Anna's POV------
"Grade books are officially closed, and your parents will all be receiving and email with your grades tonight" my teacher said

Brringgg the bell rang and I headed off to my next class

"Get with your group let's get going on your project it's due tomorrow" my health teacher said as I sat down with my group

----after school----
I rode the bus home like normal and got in the shower once I got home, but I only had 10 minutes and I needed to be out and making dinner because then my parents and sisters would be home and ready for dinner

I pulled my hair up and wrung it out into the sink before running downstairs

Looking into the fridge I saw it pretty much empty, but we have milk and cheese and noodles.

As I pulled out the ingredients I would need my sisters came running through the doors with drinks from Fizz and my parents followed behind

Stupidly I looked up to see if mabye they had gotten me something as well but of course they hadn't. I went back to making dinner and fryed up the bacon and melted the cheese and milk into a cheese sauce.

"Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes" I said

Then I set the table and poured everyone drinks

We sat down and Mable was jabbering on about her day and then my mom interrupted her

"One second Mable dear, I just got an email from the school district"

"Ooh grades are in" Gracie cried out in excitement

"Yes they are let's see who gets to celebrate with us tonight" my mom said glaring at me

"I hope I do" my sisters said at the same time and then giggled

"Oh you will as long as you are doing your best" she said smiling at them

Ok they look good everyone good job

What movie do you want to watch and I'll go pick up icecream and Anna make brownies.

"Yes, ma'am, can I make the salted caramel ones I love" I asked hopeful

She nodded and everyone started preparations for our movie night

"Mom can we watch dumbo" Gracie asked

I really didn't want to but Gracie and Mable love that movie so I'm happy with it

I served up everyone with brownies and icecream and gave everyone their Bowls

I sat down and watched the movie and was eating my brownie when my mom scooted over and whispered

"You really shouldn't be eating that you already are to fat"

I know she's right, and I suddenly feel guilty for eating any brownie at all

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom really quick I'll be right back, no need to pause the movie" I said getting up and heading into the bathroom

I pulled my hair back and grabbed a Toothbrush from the counter top and poked around the back of my throat until I started gagging

It didn't work the first time so I did it again and after 3 times it finally worked and I puked up everything I had eaten today

Then I flushed the toilet and washed my hands and walked back out to the couch

"Hey Mable, do you want the rest of mine I'm full" I said

"Duh" she said and grabbed the bowl from me

"Girls do you want to go somewhere and get a desert" my mom asked once the movie was over

"You can just head off to bed" my mom said to me

I went downstairs to my room and got into Pajamas and then climbed into bed and went to sleep

                ---2 hours later---

I opened my eyes when I heard yelling and jumped up in bed to figure out what was going on then my door was slammed open

"God, your so selfish and and stupid you couldn't even do the dishes why we were gone"

"I'm so sorry mom, I didn't even think about that, after you guys left I thought It was ok for me to just go to bed"


"I'm sorry I'll come do it now" I said getting up to go do the dishes from our family movie night

But as I tried to leave my room to go do it she got in the way of the door and shoved me to the ground

"YOUR JUST A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT.......I did not raise you to act this way......YOU ACT LIKE IM JUST YOUR MAID AND AM HERE TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU............A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, FOOD TO EAT, CHLOTHES TO WEAR YOU SHOULD HE GRATEFUL I GIVE YOU SO MUCH......" She just kept going for like 20 minutes and I kind of zoned out

Then she started throwing books at me and just whatever was in her reach. I was really tired and honestly didn't want to fight her she'd get bored eventually and leave. But for now I was curled up on the floor while she threw stuff at me. I thought she had left because she stopped and I looked up only to be met with something hitting me in the eye, great just great now I have to pray it doesn't turn into a black eye although it likely will

Then the doorbell rang

"What in the hell? Who's here at this hour ANNABELLE YOU BETTTER NOT HAVE TOLD SOMEONE"

"I I promise I didn't mom" I said through tears

"You shut up and stay here, don't move im not done with you yet" she said before running down the stairs

I sat at the top of the stairs and peeked around the corner to see who it was

"Hello, Ma'am Chicago Police, we received a noise complaint about someone screaming and the caller said it sounded like things were being thrown around, is everything ok here?" The blonde lady who I recognized from somewhere said and then it hit me when her partner walked up with the green eyes

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