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Y/n sat on the porch letting Judith get some fresh air and sunlight, she watched the people that passed closely, threateningly when she heard them mention the baby that played next to her.
Niall walks out about the time she was glaring at an elderly couple, he waves to the frightened people "Wanna take a break from glaring at the elderly and eat?"
Scooping up Judith she walks into the house "Sorry, I just don't like them gawking at Judith." She sets her in the highchair
"Well, babies aren't that common anymore, people can't help but stare." Niall places a comforting hand on her shoulder "They aren't gonna try to steal her."
"They wouldn't make it past the first step." Y/n grabs Judith's food--
A knock sounds from the front door.
Niall wipes his hands off as he goes to answer it "Looks like someone made it past the first step." He picks
"Ha ha." Y/n rolls her eyes at him, scooping some food onto a spoon she fed it to Judith, smiling at her.
"Look who came by for a visit." Niall says as he walks back in
Aaron waves awkwardly at Y/n "Hello."
She nods to him before turning back to her lunch.
Niall clears his throat, feeling the tension "Um, would ye like some lunch?"
"Oh, no thank you, I've got some stuff I gotta do. I just dropped by to see how you were settling in and to tell you about the party."
"We're settling in fine."
"What party?" Y/n asked over Niall.
"Um, it's kind of a 'Welcome to the neighborhood' type thing. You get to meet everyone, and everyone gets to meet you. There will be food and drinks--"
"Hard pass." Y/n mumbles
Niall sighs at her, facing Aaron he gives him a smile "Sounds like a good idea. Might help someone ease up a little."
Y/n cuts him a look.
"Great." Aaron smiles at them "Well, I'll be on my way."
"Thank ye." Niall turns to Y/n as the door closes "We're goin'."
"Yes, ye, Judith and I. We're gonna go and mingle with the neighbors."
"Y/n." He smiles at her despite her sour look "Come on, maybe ye'll feel better seeing who ye're living next to."
"I doubt it."
"Just give it a chance--We can leave whenever ye want."
She chews on her lip, sighing she gives in with a nod "Fine."
"Alright." He grins.

Y/n fidgets with the blouse Niall had thrown to her, she didn't feel comfortable, she didn't like it.
She thought this was so stupid--Going to a party in the middle of the apocalypse, acting like there wasn't walkers outside the walls they were surviving behind. But Niall wanted to go, and she guessed that was a good enough reason.
Turning to the bed she smiles at Judith, walking over to her she straightens the bow on her head before placing her on her hip.
"Let's get this over with." She whispers.
Walking down stairs she sees Niall looking out the window, he turns to her and holds his arms out
"How do I look?" He does a little spin showing of his dress shirt and jeans
"Drop dead gorgeous." She laughs
"Ye look okay." He shrugs
She scoffs "Okay? I'm sex on two legs." She strikes a pose and he rolls his eyes.
Walking over to her he takes Judith from her "This little one looks beautiful." He tosses her, kissing her cheek before letting her rest on his hip. Turning to Y/n he holds his arm out "Shall we?"
She takes his arm, shaking her head a little "Let's go."

The sky was getting dark when they came to the house, they could hear people inside, loud talking, music playing in the background of it all.
They could see people walking past the windows, laughing, drinking, having a good time.
Niall looked at Y/n and saw the hesitation on her face, the instinct to take off running right then and there.
Taking Judith off his hip he pass her over to Y/n, knowing holding the baby would keep her calm.
"Ye ready?" He asks, she nods a little "If ye don't feel comfortable--"
"No, no... Let's just... stay for a few minutes."
He places his hand on her back and leads her up the steps, pausing at the door they both take a breath before he grabs the door handle and twists it.
Once the door was pushed open the talking grew into a overwhelming roar, that made even Niall nervous with his people person tendency.
He took a step back, knowing this was the worst place for Y/n to be--
"Niall, Y/n." Deanna smiled as she walked over to them "I'm glad you could make it."
Niall puts on an award winning fake smile "Wouldn't miss it."
"It's nice to see you could get Y/n out of the house."
"Can't stay inside all the time." Y/n mutters
Deanna smiles at her "Well, I won't keep you--Go mingle, have a good time."
She moves out of the way and they face the sea of people waiting to swallow them in conversation, Niall grabs Y/n's hand and takes a step into the room.

They had gotten separated among the rush of people introducing themselves, offering them drinks and food, telling them they were sorry for them being out there so long. It was enough to make their heads spin, to lose grip of the others hand and get lost in the crowd.
Y/n stood against a wall, Judith close, cussing Niall for being 5'10 and easily lost in a group of people. Humming to Judith her eyes went across the room looking for Niall, but instead they found the door. She knew Niall wouldn't be happy if she just up and left without him, but she thought dealing with his look of disappointment was worth it--
She jumped, her back hitting the wall when someone popped up in front of her, taking a deep breath she eyed the woman warily.
"Hi, I'm Jessie." She holds out her hand
Y/n glanced down at her hand before meeting her eyes "Y/n." She mutters
Jessie lowers her hand "I just talked to Niall, he's a great guy."
"That he is."
Jessie fidgets in her spot "I have two sons, but it's been a long time since I've saw a baby." She reached out to touch Judith but Y/n pulled back, placing herself in the way of Jessie's hand and the little girl.
"Don't touch her." She whispers
"I wasn't gonna hurt her or anything--"
"I didn't-didn't ask, I don't want people touchin' her."
Jessie nods, holding her hands up as she takes a step back "Sorry, didn't mean to poke the bear."
"It'd be smart if ye didn't."
"There ye are." Niall breathes out, he pulls Y/n into his side, he gives Jessie a smile "I hope Y/n's not being too cold."
"Oh, not at all." Jessie laughs
"I know she's not as good at conversation as I am, but she does have hidden qualities, they're deep but they do exist."
Jessie laughs "I bet she does."
"Well, I think we're gonna retire for the night. It was nice talking to ye." He practically drags Y/n away.
She raises an eyebrow at him "What's wrong?"
"I think she was tryin' to fuck me." He mutters
She busts out laughing "Oh, well, maybe ye should go back in there."
"No, she's not my type." He jogs down the steps
"But Michonne was." He stops and looks at her, she gives him a small smile "I saw how ye looked at her, thought I'd wait for somethin' to happen before I brought it up but..." She shrugs
"What happened wasn't what ye expected."
She nods as they start towards the house "I was expecting more along the lines of catching ye two making out in a dark corner, not gettin' attacked and having to flee."
Niall sighs "Well, I can't speak for her end but... I did have a crush on her." He smiles a little
She nudges him with her arm "It's okay..." She takes a deep breath "I... may have had a small crush on Rick."
"Really? Didn't notice." He chuckles
"Ah, shut up." She laughs "It's shame, both of us find someone we truly like and end up losing them."
"I know ye hate my optimism, but I think we'll find them again, one day."
"For once, I appreciate your positive out look."
He smiles and throws his arm over her shoulders, tugging her into his side as they start for the house.

A Galway Runner and a Kentucky CopWhere stories live. Discover now