Act I, Chapter 14: Somebody, Save Me! Part 2

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Simulation Room, Afternoon. Paladin's Academy

During the attack on Team Red's base, White Mask, Double Trouble, and Matter continued their unified search for Team Blue's base. They run on the broken road, quickly scanning buildings for any signs.

"You guys seem lost, mind if I help?"

The three students stop as they see a man with dark green hair and blue eyes. He's wearing glasses, with a white open-collared shirt, and a green shirt inside. He's leaning on one of the buildings, tossing what seems to be a glowing crystal up, and down.

"Tell us where the Blue base is, and I won't shove your head up your ass." White Mask shouts, pointing at the man.

"Sure, it's right over THERE!" He shouts, throwing the small glowing star right at the three of them. Double Trouble and Matter jump away, while White Mask opts to block it instead. The star passes right through him as it shoots into the sky. The trio watches the star glow bright orange before descending back down. It hits the man as he starts floating and laughing.

"My name's Fortune, and it's not your lucky day." He says as he shoots out a bright orange laser from his eyes right towards them. All three manage to duck away before getting hit.

"What the hell was that?!" White Mask screams as he runs for cover.

"Fortune! He's the lucky guy. I wasn't listening when he explained his powers." D.T. comments. He summons his clones as they rush at Fortune. With one punch, he smacks them all away, forcing the clones to dissipate, and slamming D.T. to a wall.

"I think his powers are related to gambling?" Matter butts it, picking up D.T.

"How does that lead to fucking omnipotence?" White Mask asks as he charges at Fortune. He throws smoke pellets down and shoots his grappling wire at Fortune. He presses a button to activate the electric current, but Fortune isn't affected. He pulls on the wire, sending White Mask to him, and backhands him right across the face, breaking his mask, and stunning him.

Shit, Matter thinks to herself, as she picks up White Mask too. She enters a nearby building and places the two down on the lounge sofa. She picks up a table and blocks the doors to buy them a bit more time.

"Fuck!" White Mask groans, as he removes his damaged mask and substitutes it for a white domino mask. He also removes one of his grappling gauntlets, which appears to be broken.

Double Trouble slaps himself as he fixes his hair and chugs water from his bottle.

"We don't have long. If he really is omni, we need a new plan." Matter explains.

"The goal of the game is to save the dummy, right? Not fight each other. How about I stall him while you guys look for the thing." Double Trouble points out. 

"Fine with me." White Mask replies. He uses his new mask to scan nearby buildings for the Blue Team.

With no time to rest, Fortune comes flying into the building, breaking the wall behind them. He hovers over the three of them with a big grin on his face.

"Go!" D.T. screams, as Matter and White Mask escape the structure. Fortune attempts to follow them, but he gets dogpiled by three clones. He tries to shake them off, but the three manage to hold on. He then spins around as fast as he can, throwing the three clones off. He then lands right in front of Double Trouble.

"How bout this? You tell me where the rest of your team is, and I'll take you in quietly," Fortune asks D.T.

"Tempting, but I'll pass. After all, you're weak." Double Trouble laughs.

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