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(Sacred Gear I chose isn't mine. I just liked it)

(Just the Sacred Gear)

(Just the Sacred Gear)

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Name: Y/n L/n

Personality: At first, Y/n will be very untrusting, but once you gain his trust, he will care about you but won't really show it as he tends to cover up his affection with Sarcastic comments If you manage to date him, Y/n can at times be kinda clingy and demand cuddles, especially in bed.

Sacred Gear: The Vexus' Gear.

Dragon Name: Vexus. The Azure Dragon


Divide: Divides the opponent's power every 10 seconds and adds the halved power to the user.

Boost: Doubles the wielder's power every 10 seconds.

Transfer: Transfers increased power to other people or items.

(Really like the name for this)

Divination Booster: Allows the user to half the enemy's power and doubles the power taken, giving it to the user.

A plus side to The Vexus Gear is that it gives the user the ability to use Lightning and Wind Magic.

Balance Breaker:

(This but with the wings of Vali)

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(This but with the wings of Vali)

Juggernaut Drive: I who shall awaken. Am the Heavenly Dragon who stole the principle of annihilation from God. I anger the infinite. And pillage the dream. I shall become the Blue Dragon of Anihalation. I will shower you in the cataclysmic might of annihilation! JUGGERNAUT DRIVE!!!

Backstory: Vexus was the third of the Heavenly dragons and the Father of Ddraig (is that how you spell it) and Albion

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Backstory: Vexus was the third of the Heavenly dragons and the Father of Ddraig (is that how you spell it) and Albion. During the Great War, when Ddraig and Albion began fighting, Vexus was enraged that his children were acting like, well, children, so when the 3 factions joined forces to bring them down Vexus helped them and took them down which resulted in them both being turned into Sacred Gears. During the resulting battle, the 3 factions realised how much of a threat Vexus was and that it was easier to defeat one Heavenly Dragon compared to 2, so they worked together and killed Vexus as he just like Albion and Ddraig before was turned into a Sacred Gear.

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