The Nun

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The blonde girl is still sitting on the floor looking at Issei and Y/n while accidently spreading her legs slightly, showing her underwear.

Issei: <Woo hoo! That's what I'm talking about...! Smoking hot chick. Smoking hot panty shot.>

Issei looks with a perverted grin while the girl looks confused about the face he's making. Y/n notices Issei's face before elbowing him and going to help up the girl.

Y/n: Hey. Are you alright, Miss?

Y/n holds out his hand for her to grab and pull herself up.

???: Uh, yeah, I'm okay, really.

The girl stands up as her veil falls off, showing her face as her eyes almost sparkle, making Y/n blush.

Y/n: <Note to self. Protect this innocent bean with your life.>

???: Uh, thanks.

Y/n notices he's still holding her hand as he blushes again before pulling away.

Y/n: It's no problem, really.

The girls' veil flys by their faces as Y/n catches it midair, giving it back to the girl while Issei is looking away, grining like the average perv.

???: Thank you. That was very sweet of you.

Y/n: You don't have to keep thanking me. I was just doing what anyone else would.  Anyway, is there a reason you're out here?

???: Well. I'm a little bit lost. Do you think you could help me out?

The girl asks with a blush as she pushes her fingertips together before gigling.

(Intro that I won't add in video form other wise Wattpad will fuck me)

Issei, Y/n and the girl are walking along helping said girl get to her destination.

Y/n: So what're you doing here in Kuoh. Not exactly the best place for a vacation.

???: Oh no, not at all... As a matter of fact, I was just assigned to serve the church in this town.

Y/n: Oh, so you're a nun. That's pretty cool, I guess.

???: I'm lucky to have ran into someone kind like you... I guess someone is looking out for me huh.

Y/n: Yeah.

Y/n looks at her with a smile as he leans over to Issei.

Y/n: Hey bro, if you look at that innocent girl in a perverted way, I'll beat you so badly that your children will inherit the bruises.

Issei: Okay I promise.

Issei clearly sounds scared at the threat as he notices the cross on the girls neck, making him flinch and look away.

???: Is everything okay?

Y/n covers for Issei.

Y/n: Yep, he's good he just didn't get much sleep last night.

Issei: <What in the heck, was that weird feeling just now.>

As they walk, they hear a boy crying as they look over  and see that he fell over and scraped his knee so the girl runs over to help while Issei and Y/n follow to watch what she does.

???: A big boy like you shouldn't cry over a scrape. Don't worry, you're gonna be fine.

The girl holds her hands over the boys knee as two silver rings appear on both her hands as they begin to glow green, making the boys cut slowly disappear, healing him.

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